Niacin, the fountain of youth

The vitamin niacin has a life-prolonging effect, as Michael Ristow has demonstrated in roundworms. From his study, the ETH-Zurich professor also concludes that so-called reactive oxygen species are healthy, not only disagreeing with the general consensus, but also many of his peers.
Warum wohnen wir nicht, wo wir arbeiten?

Es ist ein alltägliches Paradoxon: jeden Morgen wenn ich aus dem Fenster schaue, sehe ich, wie Leute zur Arbeit kommen – einige mit dem Auto, die meisten zu Fuss von der nächsten Tramhaltestelle.
"Best address for business cycle research"

KOF Swiss Economic Institute celebrates its 75th anniversary. Representatives from politics, economy and administration agrred about one thing when ginving their congratulations: KOF is needed more than ever.
New online courses at ETH Zurich

ETH Zurich is committed to online teaching. In contrast to other universities, ETH intends to make its own students the primary beneficiaries of its online activities.
Chasing the black holes of the ocean

According to researchers from ETH Zurich and the University of Miami, some of the largest ocean eddies on Earth are mathematically equivalent to the mysterious black holes of space.
25 ETH spin-offs in the top 100

25 spin-offs from ETH Zurich are among the 100 most successful companies in Switzerland, with four making it into the Top 10 this year, according to the third rankings of the Institute for Young Entrepreneurs.
Focus: What ends up on our shelves
Globe magazine
The product range in our shops is constantly changing. But who decides what goes on sale? What processes are hidden behind the products we buy?
Focus: Food in lieu of pills
Globe magazine
Cholesterol-lowering margarines, yoghurts with bacterial cultures to boost the body’s defences, heart-friendly pastries – can you buy health from the supermarket? "Yes," claim today’s advertising promises. "Perhaps," say researchers from ETH Zurich as they subject our food and digestive system to intense scrutiny.
Zoom: Emission sharing
Globe magazine
The extent to which industrial nations and developing countries will still be allowed to use cheap, climate-damaging technologies is hotly debated all over the world. Climate physicists from ETH Zurich furnish politicians with key data to base their decisions upon.
Switzerland participates in "Horizon 2020"

Good news for ETH Zurich researchers: Switzerland is continuing its involvement in the European Union’s research framework programme.