Employees nominate exemplary supervisors

This year, the "Golden Tricycle", ETH Zurich’s award for family-friendly managers, will be presented at the “togETHer 2014” staff party. Entries should be submitted by 27 July.

Enlarged view: Golden Tricycle Ulrike Lohmann
Ulrike Lohmann, Professor of Atmospheric Physics, received the "2013 Golden Tricycle" for her efforts to allow her staff enough time for their families and partners. (Photo: ETH Zurich/Tom Kawara)

This year, the Academic Association of Scientific Staff at ETH Zurich (AVETH) and Equal!, the Office of Equal Opportunities, will be presenting the "Golden Tricycle" for the eighth time. The award recognises staff in leadership roles who are outstanding in promoting a family-friendly work-life balance.

"For example, we are looking for supervisors who help ensure that both partners can work, or who support employees caring for children or other dependants alongside their work," says AVETH President Lars Büthe.

The criteria for family-friendliness at ETH Zurich include, for example, ensuring that

  • important meetings do not take place in the evening;
  • career-improvement opportunities exist even for part-time staff;
  • working hours are handled flexibly and working part-time or from home is also possible.

A more personal approach to work

The current holder of the award is Ulrike Lohmann, Professor of Atmospheric Physics. She received the "2013 Golden Tricycle" because she ensures that her staff have enough time for their families and partners in their day-to-day working lives.

For Ulrike Lohmann, this "family prize" shows "that it is possible for a researcher to achieve recognition for arranging the work of her research group around personal needs", as she said in the December edition of "life", the magazine for the ETH community.

Employees have the right to make nominations

What is special about the "Golden Tricycle" is that employees themselves can nominate their supervisors for the prize. Nominations that have been put forward in previous years can also be entered again. An expert jury will choose the most outstanding supervisor according to defined criteria for family-friendliness.

Christmas reception dedicated to the presidents

In previous years, the "Golden Tricycle" has been presented at the Executive Board's Christmas reception in December. This year, the reception will be dedicated to honouring the work of the Executive Board under the leadership of ETH President Ralph Eichler, who is stepping down from this post at the end of 2014 after seven successful years in office, and looking forward to the next leadership team under the president-elect, Lino Guzzella.

For that reason, the "Golden Tricycle" is to be presented at the ETH’s "togETHer 2014" staff party on 22 August. ETH employees wishing to nominate their supervisor for the award should therefore send their nomination, stating their reasons, to AVETH by 27 July 2014 (e-mail: goldenes_dreirad@aveth.ethz.ch). "We look forward to receiving your nominations," concludes Lars Büthe.

Enlarged view: Golden Tricycle 2013 Martin Sack Ulrike Lohmann
Martin Sack of AVETH presents the “Golden Tricycle” to Ulrike Lohmann at the 2013 Christmas drinks reception. This year, the presentation will take place at the “togETHer 2014” event. (Photo: ETH Zurich/Heidi Hostettler)


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