Foreign entrepreneurs, but here to stay
The founders of ETH spin-offs created between 2017 and 2024 come from 46 different countries, primarily Switzerland (45%), Germany (18%), and Italy (6%). While the founders themselves may come from all over the world, an overwhelming amount of the spin-offs stay in Switzerland. Of the 530 spin-offs created at ETH Zurich since 1973 who are still active today 519 are operating in Switzerland and make a significant contribution to society. The survival rate of the spin-offs is also impressive, with 93 percent of companies still active five years after they were established. “These figures make it clear how Switzerland benefits from ETH Zurich bringing in the brightest minds from all over the world. They develop new products, establish new companies, and create added value for Swiss society and the country’s economy,” says Vanessa Wood, Vice President for Knowledge Transfer and Corporate Relations.
More women in founding teams
At 14 percent, the proportion of female company founders in 2024 was in line with the average for the previous four years, although there has been a long-term upward trend. A positive development is the increase in mixed gender founding teams – together with the all-female teams they account for around 35 percent of all spin-offs, with the remaining 65 percent founded by men.
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