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"Taking a position on geopolitical matters is more likely to hinder ETH Zurich’s mission than to support it."
The Executive Board has recently adopted a policy recommendation by the Ad Hoc Commission on Institutional Positioning, proposing that ETH Zurich should refrain from taking positions on geopolitical crises. Interview with the chairperson of this commission, Effy Vayena.
Elementary-particle detectors, 3D printed
An international collaboration headed by researchers in the Department of Physics has shown that additive manufacturing offers a realistic way to build large-scale plastic scintillator detectors for particle physics experiments.
Five years of project-based learning
ETH Zurich has a centre for project-based learning in electrical engineering and information technology. In this interview, its director, Michele Magno, takes stock of the first five years.
Machine learning method could revolutionise astronomy
In a study published in the scientific journal Nature, an interdisciplinary team of researchers presents a novel machine learning method to analyse gravitational waves emitted from neutron star collisions almost instantaneously – even before the merger is fully observed.
The search for life on Venus
As the speaker of the third edition of the COPL Colloquia, Sara Seager presented her current research on the atmosphere of Venus, showing how its chemistry and cloud characteristics are compatible with Venusian life.