Access to official documents in accordance with the Federal Act on Freedom of Information in the Administration (FoIO)

Bundesgesetz über das Öffentlichkeitsprinzip der Verwaltung (BGÖ)

An application for access to an official document must be submitted to the email address on the right.

To ensure that we will be able to process your request as efficiently as possible, we would be grateful if you could provide us with as much detailed information as possible about the desired document, including for example:

- the date of production (the Freedom of Information Act is only applicable to
  documents produced from 1 July 2006 onwards), title or subject, reference;
- the organizational unit of ETH Zurich, that produced the document;
- the subject area.

For any queries, we kindly ask you to give us a complete contact address including email address and telephone number.


ETH Zürich
Legal Office

Rämistrasse 101
8092 Zürich