Prof. Dr. Markus Stoffel

Prof. Dr.  Markus Stoffel

Prof. Dr. Markus Stoffel

Full Professor at the Department of Biology
Deputy head of Dep. of Biology

ETH Zürich

Inst. f. Molecular Health Sciences

HPL H 36

Otto-Stern-Weg 7

8093 Zürich


Additional information

Markus Stoffel has been Full Professor of the Institute of Molecular Health Sciences at the ETH Zurich since July 2006.

Markus Stoffel was born on March 13, 1962, in Cologne, Germany and studied Medicine at the Universities of Cambridge, UK, and Bonn, Germany. After a two-year residency in Internal Medicine at the University Medical Center in Hamburg, he spent three years as a postdoctoral fellow and Assistant Professor in the laboratory of Prof. G.I. Bell at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute at the University of Chicago, USA. In 1995 he moved to the Rockefeller University as an Assistant Professor and Head of Laboratory of Metabolic Diseases. In 1999, he was appointed full Professor. His research interests focus on molecular mechanisms regulating glucose and lipid homeostasis, insulin secretion and signaling by transcriptional and posttranscriptional mechanisms. Markus Stoffel received several honors for his work, including the Irma T. Hirschl Career Scientist Award (1996), Pew Scholar Award in Biomedical Sciences (1996), Career Development Award, American Diabetes Association (1997), Bristol Myers Squibb Award in Metabolism (2002), Ernst Klenk Award (2002), ADA Oustanding Scientific Achievement Award (2006), Minkowski Prize (2007), JDRF Scholar Award (2007), Heinrich-Wieland Prize (2008), ERC Advanced Grant (2009), G.B. Morgagni Prize (2012), Labhart-Schwyzer Medal (2023). He is an elected Member of the German National Academy of Science Leopoldina (since 2006) and the European Molecular Biology Organization EMBO (since 2008).



Year Distinction
2023 Labhart-Schwyzer Medal
2012 G.B. Morgagni Prize (Gold Medal)
2011 Stephen S. Fajans Lecture (University of Michigan)
2010 Elected Member Council of Swiss National Science Foundation
2009 ERC Advanced Grant Recipient
2009 Gerold and Kayla Grodsky Award
2008 Elected Member of European Molecular Biology Organization
2008 Heinrich-Wieland Prize
2007 JDRF Scholar Award
2007 Minkowski Prize
2006 Elected Member of Leopoldina
2006 Outstanding Scientific Achievement Award, American Diabetes Association
2004 Dorothy Hodgkin Lectureship (Diabetes UK)
2003 Eli Lilly Lecture, Cambridge University, UK
2002 Bristol Myers Squibb Unrestricted Grant Award (Metabolism)
2002 Ernst Klenk Award
2002 Mary Jane Kugel Award
1998 Robert and Harriet Heilbrunn Professorship
1997 Career Development Award, American Diabetes Association
1996 Irma T. Hirschl Career Scientist Award
1996 Pew Scholar Award in Biomedical Sciences
1991 Postdoctoral Fellowship Award from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft., Bonn, Germany
1987 Dr. Graham P. McCullagh Memorial Prize, Cambridge,

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