Prof. em. Dr. Willi Gujer

Prof. em. Dr.  Willi Gujer

Prof. em. Dr. Willi Gujer

Professor Emeritus at the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering

Additional information

Willi Gujer has been Full Professo of Urban Water Management (sanitary engineering) at the Institute of Hydromechanics and Water Resources Management since November 1992. At the present, he heads the postgraduate program dedicated to Urban Water Management and Water Pollution Control. His research is based at the EAWAG (Swiss Federal Institute of Environmental Science and Technology) in Dübendorf.

Prof. Gujer was born on January 6, 1946 and comes from Rümlang ZH. He studied at the Department of Civil Engineering at the ETH Zurich. After a brief period of employment in industry, he spent four years in the USA, where in 1974 he received his doctorate in environmental engineering under Professor David Jenkins at the University of California at Berkeley. Since 1974 he has been at the EAWAG and from 1976/1994 he headed the Engineering Sciences Division there. His research focuses on biological waste water treatment, in particular mathematical modeling, an integrated approach to urban water management and the increasing interrelation between society and the demands on urban water management.

Prof. Gujer is a member of the board of the Swiss Water Pollution Control Association (VSA) and the Governing Board of the International Association on Water Quality (IAWQ), where he is in the task group for mathematical modeling for the design and operation of biological waste water treatment. He is also a member of the Technical Committee 2.6 (aerobic biological waste water treatment) of the Association for Waste Water Technology in Germany (ATV).