Prof. em. Franz Oswald

Prof. em. Franz Oswald
Professor Emeritus at the Department of Architecture
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Franz Oswald was appointed full Professor of Architecture and Design at ETH Zurich in 1972. He was elected chairman of the Architectural Division in 1986, and three years later Dean of the Department of Architecture. Since 1993 he has been Professor for Architecture and Urban Design (Urbanism). In 1995 he initiated together with Prof. Dr. Peter Baccini the transdisciplinary research project Sykonios dealing with three interrelated questions: high standards of city form, sustainable management of resources, scenarios for restructuring urban regions. He retired on March 31st, 2003.
Franz Oswald, born on January 24, 1938, studied philosophy, literature and history of art at the Universities of Bern and Zurich. Thereafter he started his studies in architecture at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich. earning his degree he spent several years in Cologne and at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, where he finished his postgraduate studies in architecture and urban design with Prof. Colin Rowe. From 1983 Franz Oswald has held several visiting professorships at Cornell University, Columbia University, and Syracuse University, NY. In 1976 he opened his own architectural office in Bern predominantly dealing with housing and urban projects in Switzerland, Germany, and Israel, and with projects for the restoration of Sassanidic palaces in Iran. He has received various awards for projects and buildings.
The following publications illustrate his activities: "Netzstadt, transdisciplinary methods for restructuring urban native systems; Zurich, 1998 eds. Peter Baccini and Franz Oswald; "Denklied Brache"; Salzburg, 1997. Von Anonymia zu Lakunia, Bulletin Nr. 262, Magazin der ETH Zurich, Juni 1996. Prosper III, Eine Zechenbrache wird Stadtteil, Bottrop 1996, Publikation zur IBA-Emscher Park; Mustersiedlung Scheuring, Deggendorf, Bayern; Wohnquartier Bleiche, Worb BE; Wohnquartier Drosselweg, Wohlen AG; Wohnen an der Rheinstahlstrasse, Altes Zechengelände Prosper III, Bottrop; IBA-Emscher Park, Anthos I, 1993; Stadtlandschaft im Umbruch "Avenches: Broye-Park", ETH Zurich, 1991.