Latsis Prize 2021 for Stanisa Raspopovic

Prof. Stanisa Raspopovic, Professor for Neuroengineering at the Department of Health Sciences and Technology, has been awarded the Latsis Prize 2021.
Nicole Stoffel receives Lopez-Loreta prize

Dr. Nicole Stoffel from the Laboratory of Human Nutrition at the Department of Health Sciences and Technology was awarded the Lopez-Loreta Prize for her project "Effects of iron on immunity and the response to vaccines – in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic and future global viral threats".
Otmar Hilliges receives two lasting impact awards
Professor Otmar Hilliges and his collaborators have received lasting impact honours for two papers published ten years ago at the conferences IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR) and ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST) respectively.
Fabian von Rohr receives the Ruzicka Prize 2021

Dr. Fabian von Rohr, currently a Professor at the Department of Chemistry at the University of Zurich, is being awarded the Ruzicka Prize 2021 for his work on the discovery of quantum materials by combining chemical and physical design principles.
Hamburg Prize for Theoretical Physics goes to Eugene Demler

Eugene Demler, quantum researcher and professor at ETH Zurich, was honoured for his theoretical work on quantum fluids and solids, especially for his contributions to the study of ultracold atoms in optical lattices.