ETH Zurich takes part in the “Long Night of the Museums”

On Saturday 6 September, it will once again be time for 46 museums – including ETH’s Collection of Prints and Drawings and focusTerra – to stay open into the night for the “Long Night of the Museums”.

Enlarged view: Long Night of the Museums
The Long Night of the Museums takes place on 6 September. (Photo: Verein Zürcher Museen)

Earthquakes and tsunamis are this year’s focusTerra theme for the “Long Night of the Museums” in Zurich. “We are dedicating this night to the powerful forces from deep inside the earth that produce earthquakes and generate waves as tall as houses,” reveals focusTerra. The focus will be on Japan, where these forces of nature are well-known. A documentary film entitled “AREKARA / The Life After” uses eyewitness accounts to recount the events and repercussions of the tsunami triggered by the major Tōhoku earthquake in 2011.

The museum, which is located at Sonneggstrasse 5, will also be showcasing Switzerland’s earthquake history with the special exhibition “unforeSeeable – Earthquakes in Switzerland”, which will be open to the public from 7 p.m. to 2 a.m. Anyone who wants to know what an earthquake feels like will be able to experience this for themselves in the simulator.

Another highlight will be a talk by Stefan Wiemer, Director of the Swiss Seismological Service, about research into earthquakes and tsunamis. He will also tackle the question of how much we can and should do to protect ourselves from earthquakes. A detailed programme can be found on the focusTerra website.

Madonnas in the Collection of Prints and Drawings

The exhibition in the Collection of Prints and Drawings in ETH Zurich’s Main Building transports visitors to the colourful world of Swiss artist Annelies Štrba. The museum is showcasing three of her series of Madonnas. Štrba has produced most of the pieces exclusively for this exhibition, and her works are complemented by a display of outstanding Madonnas by Old Masters from ETH’s Collection of Prints and Drawings.

Children from the age of eight can take part in the “Strike a pose” photo shoot: using the craft materials provided, visitors can create outlandish accessories and then have their picture taken with their own camera or in an express photo shoot, at the end of which they will receive a printed photo to take home with them.

One ticket for everything

46 museums are taking part in Zurich’s “Long Night of the Museums”. Combined tickets, at a cost of 25 Swiss francs each, can be purchased in advance from the counters at most of the participating museums (not including focusTerra), at VBZ (Zurich public transport) information and sales centres and from the Tourist Service at Zurich Main Station. Tickets are also available to buy from all the participating museums and the information booths at Bellevue and Hechtplatz during the event itself.

The admission tickets are also valid for public transport within the City of Zurich, the museum shuttle bus run by VBZ and the museum tram. Visitors can also travel free of charge on the museum ferry “MS Sentosa” or on bikes from “Züri rollt”.


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