Programme 2024

21 November 2024

Opening & Welcome


Jeannine Pilloud, Partnerships for Innovation, ETH Zurich




Engineering a Sustainable Future: The Power of Innovation
Matthias Rebellius, CEO Siemens Smart Infrastructure, Member of the Managing Board Siemens AG

AI & Robotics



Case Study: Human Robot Interaction by using Mixed Reality Devices
Jeff Delmerico, Microsoft Reality and AI Lab Zurich | Florian Kennel-Maushart, ETH Computational Robotics Lab


The Benefits of Large Language Models and their Limitations
Prof. Benjamin Grewe


Partnering with Industry for Innovation in Robotics
Prof. Marco Hutter


The Swiss Data Science Center: Leading AI Innovation
Dr. Saurabh Bhargava, Swiss Data Science Center (SDSC)

  ETH Spin-off: Dynius - Generative AI and ML to Boost Businesses
Dario Roosli
Health & Food
09:45Case Study: Smart Spine Implant
Niklas Frietsch, 41medical | Tobias Götschi, Balgrist Laboratory for Orthopedic Biomechanics | Prof. Taekwang Jang, ETH Institute for Integrated Systems


Technologies for more Sustainable, Nutritious, and Affordable Foods
Prof. Alex Mathys


Sniffing Electronics: From Health to Space Applications
Prof. Andreas Güntner


Tissue-Specific Human Drug Targets
Prof. Pedro Beltrao


 ETH Spin-off: Hylomorph - Pioneering Innovation to Prevent Infection in Implantable Medical Devices
Dr. Simone Bottan
10:15Introduction ETH Spark Award
10:20Coffee Break | Exhibition and Networking
Materials & Processes
11:00Case Study: Biodiversity Detectives
Marc Chautems, AXA Climate | Prof. Loïc Pellissier, ETH Ecosystem and Landscape Evolution


From Ink-jet Printing to Cement: Engineering Particle Surfaces to Control the Flow of Suspensions
Prof. Lucio Isa


AI, IoT, Digitalisation, Industry 4.0? – Automation. The Answer to all Buzzwords.
Dr. Claudia Fischer, NCCR Automation


Innovations in Biomaterials and Advanced Tissue Manufacturing
Prof. Xiao-Hua Qin


 ETH Spin-off: Treeless AG | Microorganism-Based Cellulose Materials for a Sustainable Future
Dr. Patrycja Kucharczyk
Sustainability & Construction
11:35Case Study: Repairable Buildings for a Sustainable Future
Roger Dietschweiler, Basler & Hofmann | Prof. Silke Langenberg, ETH Construction Heritage and Preservation | Prof. Mirko Meboldt, ETH Product Development Group


Timber Renaissance
Prof. Andrea Frangi


Energy Transitions in an Era of Protectionist Global Climate Policy
Dr. Bessie Noll


Carbon Dioxide Removal: The Key to a Robust Net-Zero Claim
Oliver Akeret


 ETH Spin-off:  Vaulted AG | Rippmann Floor System: A Low-carbon, fully Circular Floor
Dr. Francesco Ranaudo
12:10Closing Remarks
Vanessa Wood, ETH Vice President Knowledge Transfer and Corporate Relations
12:15ETH Spark Award Ceremony for the best ETH invention of the year
12:30Lunch Break
all dayExhibition in Science Zone, Networking


Dr. Anna Julia Schlegel
  • +41 44 632 45 01