Programme 2024
21 November 2024
Time | Opening & Welcome |
08:45 | Welcome Jeannine Pilloud, Partnerships for Innovation, ETH Zurich |
| Keynote Engineering a Sustainable Future: The Power of Innovation |
Time | AI & Robotics |
| Case Study: Human Robot Interaction by using Mixed Reality Devices Jeff Delmerico, Microsoft Reality and AI Lab Zurich | Florian Kennel-Maushart, ETH Computational Robotics Lab |
Research: The Benefits of Large Language Models and their Limitations
Partnering with Industry for Innovation in Robotics
The Swiss Data Science Center: Leading AI Innovation | |
ETH Spin-off: Dynius - Generative AI and ML to Boost Businesses Dario Roosli |
Time | Health & Food |
09:45 | Case Study: Smart Spine Implant Niklas Frietsch, 41medical | Tobias Götschi, Balgrist Laboratory for Orthopedic Biomechanics | Prof. Taekwang Jang, ETH Institute for Integrated Systems |
Research: Technologies for more Sustainable, Nutritious, and Affordable Foods
Sniffing Electronics: From Health to Space Applications
Tissue-Specific Human Drug Targets
| |
ETH Spin-off: Hylomorph - Pioneering Innovation to Prevent Infection in Implantable Medical Devices Dr. Simone Bottan | |
10:15 | Introduction ETH Spark Award |
10:20 | Coffee Break | Exhibition and Networking |
Time | Materials & Processes |
11:00 | Case Study: Biodiversity Detectives Marc Chautems, AXA Climate | Prof. Loïc Pellissier, ETH Ecosystem and Landscape Evolution |
Research: From Ink-jet Printing to Cement: Engineering Particle Surfaces to Control the Flow of Suspensions
AI, IoT, Digitalisation, Industry 4.0? – Automation. The Answer to all Buzzwords.
Innovations in Biomaterials and Advanced Tissue Manufacturing
| |
ETH Spin-off: Treeless AG | Microorganism-Based Cellulose Materials for a Sustainable Future Dr. Patrycja Kucharczyk |
Time | Sustainability & Construction |
11:35 | Case Study: Repairable Buildings for a Sustainable Future Roger Dietschweiler, Basler & Hofmann | Prof. Silke Langenberg, ETH Construction Heritage and Preservation | Prof. Mirko Meboldt, ETH Product Development Group |
Research: Timber Renaissance
Energy Transitions in an Era of Protectionist Global Climate Policy
Carbon Dioxide Removal: The Key to a Robust Net-Zero Claim
| |
ETH Spin-off: Vaulted AG | Rippmann Floor System: A Low-carbon, fully Circular Floor Dr. Francesco Ranaudo |
Time | Closing |
12:10 | Closing Remarks Vanessa Wood, ETH Vice President Knowledge Transfer and Corporate Relations |
12:15 | ETH Spark Award Ceremony for the best ETH invention of the year |
12:30 | Lunch Break |
all day | Exhibition in Science Zone, Networking |