The New Year starts with a new Executive Board

The ETH Executive Board's new formation is starting today. Three new people have taken office, two will continue overseeing their tasks. Here we introduce the team. Also, Lino Guzzella explains in the Polybahn pitch what excites him about ETH.

Enlarged view: Schulleitung
The new Executive Board of ETH Zurich. From left: Dr. Robert Perich, Prof. Sarah M. Springman, Prof. Lino Guzzella, Prof. Roman Boutellier, Prof. Detlef Günther. (Photo: ETH Zurich/Markus Bertschi)

Today marks a fresh start for ETH Zurich employees. They are starting the new working year 2015. Today is, however, also a fresh start for the ETH Executive Board in another respect: it will be managing ETH Zurich in a new composition from today.

Lino Guzzella – the new President – has been full Professor of Thermotronics since 1999 and was the Rector of ETH Zurich from 2012 until the end of 2014. From today, he will have legal and political responsibility for the university.

Sarah Springman – the new Rector – has been full Professor of Geotechnical Engineering at ETH Zurich since 1997. From today, she will oversee the teaching area and thereby assume responsibility for admission to courses and organising and managing study-related matters as well as the examination process.

Detlef Günther – the new Vice President Research and Corporate Relations – has been full Professor for Trace Element and Micro Analysis at the Laboratory of Inorganic Chemistry since 2008. As of today, he will be responsible for strategic research steering and promotion as well as technology transfer.

Roman Boutellier has been Vice President Human Resources and Infrastructure since 1 October 2008. He will continue in his office.

Robert Perich has been Vice President Finance and Controlling since 1 October 2008. He will also continue in his office.

The new Executive Board team looks forward to its tasks in 2015. The members of the Executive Board are excited about ETH and the performances ETH's members deliver day after day. In the Polybahn pitch, Lino Guzzella says what delights him personally about ETH.

Polybahn pitches involving the other members of the Executive Board will be published intermittently during the next few weeks.

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Polybahn pitch with Lino Guzzella, President of ETH Zurich


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