Executive Board
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The Executive Board is the supreme committee of ETH Zurich. It is responsible for the areas education, research, and administration. The Executive Board ensures that the university assumes its social, cultural, and economic responsibilities.
Members of the Executive Board
The President: Prof. Dr. Joël Mesot
chevron_right More information about the PresidentRector: Prof. Dr. Günther Dissertori
chevron_right More information about the RektorVice President for Research: Christian Wolfrum
chevron_right More information about the Vizepräsident für ForschungVice President for Finance and Controlling: Stefan Spiegel
chevron_right More information about the Vizepräsident für Finanzen und ControllingVice President for Knowledge Transfer and Corporate Relations: Prof. Dr. Vanessa Wood
chevron_right More information about the Vice President for Knowledge Transfer and Corporate Relations: Prof. Dr. Vanessa WoodVice President for Infrastructure and Sustainability: Prof. Dr. Ulrich Weidmann
chevron_right More information about the Vice President for Infrastructure and SustainabilityVice President for Personnel Development and Leadership Dr. Julia Dannath
chevron_right More information about the Vice President for Personnel Development and LeadershipSecretary General Katharina Poiger Ruloff
chevron_right More information about the Secretary GeneralResponsibilities
The Executive Board enacts decrees and administrative rules. Moreover, it regulates the organization of the school. It decides on the founding, renaming, and cancellation of departments and other units. It appoints the Prorectors as well as representatives for special tasks, and it makes employer’s decisions for all employees of ETH Zurich. The Executive Board collaborates closely with various bodies of participation. In particular, it convenes with the University Assembly on a regular basis. The departments are responsible to the Executive Board.