New centre for public governance

ETH Zurich is establishing a new centre specialising in public governance. The intention is to fill the gap in the educational programmes currently on offer, and to bolster ETH’s research activity in this sphere.

Symbolbild Verhandlung
The Swiss School of Public Governance will build on the strengths of ETH Zurich in multiple fields, such as security and economic policy, decision-making, innovation and technology studies. (Symbolic photograph: Colourbox)

ETH Zurich has founded the Swiss School of Public Governance (SSPG) as a vehicle to deliver executive education programmes in public governance and public administration. The SSPG’s initial academic programme will consist of two Certificates of Advanced Studies (CAS) targeted at public administration professionals from Switzerland and from abroad.

The first programme, the CAS in International Policy and Advocacy, caters to mid- to senior-ranking professional working in Switzerland’s public sector (federal, cantonal and state-related institutions), as well as other professionals with public governance functions, such as non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Along with a solid foundation in governance best-practices, the program emphasizes skills necessary for representing organizational interests abroad.

Switzerland’s international role

“In Switzerland, the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs is in charge of international negotiations, and is highly skilled within this field”, says Martin Gutmann, Managing Director of the SSPG. “However, public officials from other bodies, both at federal and cantonal level, and from organisations close to the government, are increasingly involved in international negotiations as well. The CAS programme is mainly targeted at these professionals.”

Participants will explore issues such as Switzerland’s role in Europe and in the world, the consequences of EU regulations for Swiss policies, global trade aspects, and the risks and opportunities presented by new technologies such as big data and social media. The programme also teaches senior public officials valuable practical skills, such as team leadership, conducting negotiations, management and strategic planning.

More efficient administration through technology

These practical skills will also be a key focus of the second new academic programme, CAS in Public Governance and Administration. This course is aimed at public officials from low and middle income countries. As well as teaching practical skills, there is a strong emphasis on new technologies:  for example, IT solutions that allow more efficient management of the infrastructure, such as the water and energy supply, thereby conserving resources (keyword “smart cities”). The course also looks at how public administrations can improve their services with the help of “big data”.

“Both Switzerland as a country and ETH Zurich as an internationally renowned university provide the ideal base for the SSPG”, says Michael Ambühl, Professor of Negotiation and Conflict Management at ETH Zurich and SSPG Director. Switzerland is well known for its long tradition of democratic, effective and rule-based governance; it has a strong reputation as an international mediator and is home to numerous international organisations. “On top of that, SSPG fits in very well with ETH’s existing activities in the areas of security and economic policy, decision-making and negotiation.”

Network for professionals and academics

Aside from Professor Ambühl, a dozen other professors from the ETH departments of Management, Technology and Economics (D-MTEC), within which the SSPG is housed, and Humanities, Social and Political Sciences (D-GESS), and leading scholars from other Swiss universities will be teaching at the SSPG.

The SSPG will also engage in research activities in the future. “A number of ETH professors are already running research projects on topics relevant to the SSPG. We plan to complement this activity by building up our own research capacity”, adds Gutmann. Another important mid-term objective is to establish the SSPG as a specialist network of both practitioners and academics. Regular events are planned to facilitate the exchange of valuable know-how.

The two new CAS programmes are scheduled to start in spring and summer 2017. Candidates will be able to apply starting in autumn 2016.


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