January 2019
ETH Zurich promotes data science research

Intelligent data science approaches are changing science, the economy and society. In a new interdisciplinary initiative, ETH researchers from the fields of mathematics, computer science and information technology are therefore increasingly dedicating themselves to the foundations of data science.
Damage resilient nacre-like composites

ETH researchers from the Group for Complex Materials led by André R. Studart successfully replicated the structure of biological nacre at three length scales.
“We need to be aware and take appropriate action”

Today ETH Zurich announced that the disciplinary investigation into allegations against a professor in the architecture department had been concluded. ETH President Joël Mesot summarises the situation and explains what ETH can learn from it.
Disciplinary investigation concluded
Press release

The disciplinary investigation into the case of a professor in the Department of Architecture (D-ARCH) has now been concluded. The professor has been cleared of the allegation of sexual harassment, but was found to be in breach of ETH Zurich’s Compliance Guide. He has decided to leave the university.
Warming in the stratosphere leads to cold winters

In the first week of January, the Arctic stratosphere suddenly warmed up, an occurrence known as “sudden stratospheric warming” (SSW). This phenomenon results in cold winter weather, just the kind we are facing now – ETH researchers have visualised the event that was observed before the current one – in February 2018. Daniela Domeisen explains how this phenomenon occurs in an interview.
Taking doctoral studies to the next level

What makes good supervision for doctoral students? What factors define the relationship between the supervisor and the doctoral student? A two-day symposium was held last week at the ETH main building to answer these and many other questions.
ETH at WEF 2019: Rethinking Design

For the third time, ETH Zurich was present at the WEF in Davos from 22 to 25 January. With the slogan "Rethinking Design", this year’s exhibition explored the question of how people will design their living spaces in future and which materials could play a role in this process.
An alternative to carbon taxes

Climate policy is most effective when it helps people use alternative energy sources, rather than when it makes fossil energy more expensive, argue Anthony Patt and Johan Lilliestam.
Fewer false alarms in intensive care

Researchers at ETH Zurich are applying machine learning in intensive care units to distinguish between false alarms and those signalling real medical issues.
Technical fundamentals for a career kick

A new continuing education programme at ETH Zurich provides future managers with technological foundations: the MAS Applied Technology is a kind of "reverse MBA" for people with a background in social sciences or economics.