September 2019
Artificial intelligence improves biomedical imaging

ETH researchers use artificial intelligence to improve quality of images recorded by a relatively new biomedical imaging method. This paves the way towards more accurate diagnosis and cost-effective devices.
Nine new professors appointed

Energy systems, cryptography and computer-aided simulation; interactions between people, animals and landscape, investigation of biosystems from the human brain to the nanometer scale: the incoming professors work in a wide range of cutting-edge research fields. Three ETH professors will soon leave the university.
Healthy organelles, healthy cells

It has recently become clear just how important membraneless organelles are for cells. Now biochemists at ETH Zurich have discovered a novel mechanism that regulates the formation of these organelles. This has laid the foundation for more targeted research into diseases such as Alzheimer’s or ALS.
Call for a counterproposal to the pesticide initiatives

The two popular initiatives on drinking water and a ban on pesticides are justified, but inflexible. Bernhard Wehrli calls for a counterproposal to tackle the issue.
The problem-solver
Globe magazine

Julia Wysling combines a flair for numbers with social engagement to help society progress. The mathematician and former VSETH president simulates and optimises pedestrian flows.
A battery with a twist

Markus Niederberger’s team of researchers at ETH has used stretchable materials to develop a battery that can be bent, stretched and twisted. For applications in bendable electronic devices, this is precisely the kind of battery they need.
Turning hype into real alternatives
Globe magazine

Algae and insects are rich sources of protein for humans and livestock alike. Getting them on restaurant menus and into animal diet formulations still requires a lot of work – but it’s worth the effort.
Quiz: ETH and the world of moving pictures
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ETH Zurich is attending the Zurich Film Festival (ZFF) – that’s not a coincidence. Or did you happen to know that some blockbusters are based on animation technology developed by ETH to animate characters or depict realistic landscape features? Take this quiz to test your knowledge of ETH’s presence in Hollywood and other film studios around the world.
With pitchfork and drone
Globe magazine

With the advent of smart farming, agriculture has now entered the era of big data. Drones, robots and intelligent imaging should soon be boosting farmyard efficiency and sustainability. Switzerland’s characteristic smallholdings could be one of the chief beneficiaries.
Antimicrobial resistance is drastically rising

An international team of researchers led by ETH has shown that antimicrobial-resistant infections are rapidly increasing in animals in low and middle income countries. They produced the first global of resistance rates, and identified regions where interventions are urgently needed.