Artificial augmented creativity: A new era of art

Portraitphoto of Adrian Christopher Notz

Artificial intelligence is transforming the way in which art is created and experienced. Are we at the beginning of a new artistic revolution? Or at the end of creativity as we know it? Adrian Christopher Notz puts things in perspective.

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  • Aurelio Álvarez 12.04.2024 19:19

    Kunst ist immer ein Zeugnis ihrer Zeit...

    • Marcel Herbst12.04.2024 11:45

      DALL-E appears not in a position to mimic art. I tried out "Draw a black-white drawing in the style of Hans Erni (1909-2015)" and "Draw a black-white drawing in the style of Josef Albers (circa 1955)", not difficult questions, and the program failed grandly. I am actually surprised by the level of ineptness produced by something that is called AI. In other words, the program does not mimic essential features of the two artists in questions, something that we should expect. Not even current chess programs appear to act very intelligently (they rely basically on their ability to crunch numbers).