The actuators are oil-filled plastic bags, similar to those used to make ice cubes. About half of each bag is coated on either side with a black electrode made of a conductive material. Buchner explains that “as soon as we apply a voltage to the electrodes, they are attracted to each other due to static electricity. Similarly, when I rub a balloon against my head, my hair sticks to the balloon due to the same static electricity.” As one increases the voltage, the electrodes come closer and push the oil in the bag to one side, making the bag overall shorter.
Pairs of these actuators attached to a skeleton result in the same paired muscle movements as in living creatures: as one muscle shortens, its counterpart lengthens. The researchers use a computer code that communicates with high-voltage amplifiers to control which actuators contract, and which extend.
More efficient than electric motors
The researchers compared the energy efficiency of their robotic leg with that of a conventional robotic leg powered by an electric motor. Among other things, they analysed how much energy is unnecessarily converted into heat. “On the infrared image, it’s easy to see that the motorised leg consumes much more energy if, say, it has to hold a bent position,” Buchner says. The temperature in the electro-hydraulic leg, in contrast, remains the same. This is because the artificial muscle is electrostatic. “It’s like the example with the balloon and the hair, where the hair stays stuck to the balloon for quite a long time,” Buchner adds. “Typically, electric motor driven robots need heat management which requires additional heat sinks or fans for diffusing the heat to the air. Our system doesn’t require them,” Fukushima says.
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