The snake that saves lives

An ETH Zurich team of engineers has developed RoBoa – a snake-like robot with the ability to grow in length and slither into the most inaccessible places.

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(Video: Nicole Davidson / ETH Zurich)

RoBoa was created in the Autonomous Systems Lab at ETH Zurich. It moves flexibly and efficiently through narrow spaces such as pipes or sewers and combs through debris in the wake of catastrophes. Its soft and pneumatic design make the snake-like robot safe for use by people and in dangerous environments where there is a danger of explosion and sparks must be avoided. RoBoa can currently extend up to a length of 100 metres. It is equipped with a speaker and microphone to allow direct communication with victims in the case of emergency. RoBoa was originally developed as part of a student focus project. Thanks to a Pioneer Fellowship, it is now close to market launch and could have a major impact on inspection and search and rescue operations.

ETH Industry Day 2024

The co-founders of RoBoa will be presenting insights into their research work at the ETH booth at ETH Industry Day @ Open-i on 21 November 2024 in the Zurich Convention Center.


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