Master Management, Technology, and Economics

The MSc Management, Technology, and Economics is a four-semester, full-time programme for ambitious students who hold Bachelor’s degrees in engineering or the natural sciences. We aim to equip students to develop innovative and intelligent solutions to meet today’s most pressing challenges in business and society: shaping innovative business practices, designing agile workflows, and creating sustainable solutions in a world of finite resources.
Our programme takes pride in having strong contacts and frequent interaction with key decision makers in business and public governance. Practically oriented case studies on relevant topics such as digital transformation, sustainability, and strategy will help you understand and shape transformation in companies.
An international student body with a wide range of backgrounds, peer-to-peer learning, a mentoring programme and an industrial internship all form part of the MSc Management, Technology, and Economics experience and will prepare you to take on leadership positions in technology-driven organisations.
The programme comprises three semesters of lecture courses, an industrial internship and a final Master’s thesis completed within six months.
The curriculum encompasses the following skill areas:
- General Management
- Human Resource Management
- Strategy, Markets & Technology
- Information & Operations Management
- Quantitative & Qualitative Methods for Solving Complex Problems
- Micro & Macroeconomics
- Financial Management
Language of instruction
Credits | duration
120 ECTS | 2 years
Academic title
Master of Science ETH in Management, Technology, and Economy
Qualifying disciplines
The programme is directed at ambitious students who hold a university Bachelor’s degree in engineering or the natural sciences.
Requirement profile
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Detailed information
Master's degree programme in Management, Technology, and Economy
ETH Zurich
Department of Management, Technology, and Economics
Weinbergstrasse 56/58