ETH Global Lecture Series: HoloLens 2 - Unpacked
ETH Zurich, 3 October 2019 – Alex Kipman, Inventor & Technical Fellow, Microsoft Artificial Intelligence & Mixed Reality will discuss the science and technology behind HoloLens.

HoloLens - Unpacked
external page Alex Kipman, Inventor & Technical Fellow, Microsoft Artificial Intelligence & Mixed Reality
Welcome by external page Marc Pollefeys, Lab Director, Microsoft MR&AI Zurich Lab and Professor of Computer Science, ETH Zurich
Free public lecture
Thursday, 3 October 2019
ETH Zurich, Main Building, lecture hall HG F 30, AudiMax
10.00 - 11.00 followed by refreshments
Doors open at 09.45
Alex Kipman is a Technical Fellow who leads the COGNITION team at Microsoft that encompasses Microsoft’s effort in Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Mixed Reality (MR). An innovator at heart, Kipman has led four major break-through products for the company, including Kinect in 2010. Microsoft HoloLens and the Windows Mixed Reality software platform are his latest product creations, bringing holograms and immersive experiences to Windows. Kipman is named as the primary inventor on more than 150 patents since joining Microsoft in 2001.
Alex was born in Curitiba Brazil and graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Software Engineering from Rochester Institute of Technology in 2001.