Conditions for tours with ETH Zurich Tours

When booking a tour at the ETH Zurich and events of the exhibition space extract, the following booking conditions apply, particularly in relation to cancellations and no-shows. By confirming your booking, you accept these conditions. (ETH Zurich, October 2024)

Booking enquiries

Groups of 6 to 25 people may request individual dates for booking a themed tour. The lead time is four weeks.


All prices are in Swiss francs (CHF) including VAT.

Public Tours                                                    free of charge
Themed Tour, 60 min.                                                  

CHF 10/person

CHF 250/group

CHF 125/school class

Themed Tour, 90 min.                                                

CHF 15/person

CHF 300/group

CHF 150/school class

Themed Tour «Globis Astronautenschule», 90 min.

CHF 10/child

CHF 300/children's group

CHF 150/school class

Themed Tour «Globis Waldlabor», 180 min.                 CHF 250/school class
Special Tours                                                             on request
extract Tours, 60 min.CHF 250/group (up to 15 Pax)
extract school class visit (workshop)
CHF 125/school class (up to 25 pupils)


Please note that for Themed Tours with a fixed date and bookable for individuals to take place, a minimum number of 5 participants are required. You will be informed in advance of the tour.

Lateness, cancellation, no-show

Please note that booked tours cannot be extended if you arrive too late.

Abortion or interruption of a tour

The tour can be aborted if the guide's instructions are not followed or if a member of the group suffers a medical emergency.

Insurance and exclusion of liability

  • Participants are responsible for taking out their own insurance cover.
  • The ETH's liability (for accident etc.) is excluded.
  • Parents are liable for their children to the extent of their due diligence obligation.
  • The public tours are not suitable for children. For participation a minimum age of 12 years is required.
  • Participants are obliged to strictly comply with the instructions of the leader.
  • If this is not done, the guide/expert is authorised to immediately exclude the participant from the tour and/or to abort the event. The participant in question will not be entitled to a (partial) refund of the event costs.
  • Participants are obliged to inform the guide of their own accord of any risks pertaining to their person, such as physical or mental impairments.
  • When doing tours, ETH Zurich Tours does not accept any liability for property of any kind that is deposited or stored by participants.