MedLab Fellowships
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The ETH Zurich MedLab Fellowship programme (MedLab Fellows) supports incoming medical doctors at ETH Zurich. It aims to promote young researchers who have already demonstrated scientific excellence in the early stages of their careers.
Applications have to be made jointly by the candidate and the potential host, who must be an ETH Zurich professor and willing to act as the mentor of the fellow. There must be convincing synergies between the host (group) and the ETH MedLab Fellow. The fellowships are intended as early support towards academic independence, hence priority will be given to applicants who propose their own projects. Thus, it is important that applicants come up with their own ideas and draft the application themselves and that the applicant and mentor have not closely collaborated prior to the fellowship.
The duration of an ETH MedLab Fellowship is one year full-time to a maximum of three years part-time. The fellowship is competitive with only a limited number of fellowships available each year.
Deadlines each year:
01 March, 23:59 CET
Submission of Research Proposal and all other documents (see Download Guidelines (PDF, 115 KB)) by submission form. Please use the templates for the Download Research Proposal (DOCX, 45 KB) and Download Ethical issues (DOCX, 48 KB).
MedLab Fellowship creates opportunities
MedLab Fellow Noé Brasier was featured in the latest issue of the ETH Magazine Globe. Read more about his passion for sweat analysis, the advantages provided by the ETH MedLab Fellowship, and the next step in his career: "In pursuit of sweat"
The fellowship covers the fellow's salary for one year and may cover additional project costs:
- The exact height of the fellow's salary is determined in accordance with ETH Zurich’s standard conditions for postdoc salaries.
- The project costs must not be higher than 100,000 CHF.
- The total costs must not be higher than 200,000 CHF. One third of the sum is taken over by the fellow's host professor at ETH.
Please fill in the submission form and upload the Research Proposal and all other documents (see Download Guidelines (PDF, 115 KB)) as one single PDF file.
The templates for the Download Research Proposal (DOCX, 45 KB) and Download Ethical issues (DOCX, 48 KB) can be downloaded from this page.
The MedLab Evaluation Committee is responsible for the evaluation of applications. Proposals are assessed in the first step, after which selected candidates are invited to an interview.
The interview takes place at ETH Zurich or virtually and lasts about 15 - 30 minutes. Please reserve all interview dates given below until you have been assigned a specific date. Individual preferences cannot be considered.
The Evaluation Committee will make its funding recommendation to the Vice President Research at ETH Zurich, who makes the final funding decision.
Further information
You may contact for further information on the ETH Zurich MedLab Fellowships or if you need help finding a host professor at ETH Zurich. Before writing to us, please read the documents provided on this website carefully, especially the Download Guidelines for MedLab Fellowships (PDF, 115 KB).