ETH Zurich University Archives

Travelogue of Geologist Arnold Heim
ETH Zurich University Archives

The ETH Zurich University Archives is the memory of ETH Zurich. It is responsible for the preservation, archival description and promotion of documents of lasting value from ETH Zurich, the ETH Board as well as private papers of scientists and associations with close ties to ETH Zurich.


  • ETH-Zurich and ETH-Board Archives: 2,900 metres (status 2023)
  • Personal archives: 2,320 metres (status 2023)


  • Minutes and other records of the Swiss School Board (1854–1992), of organisational units of ETH Zurich (since 1854) and of the ETH Board (since 1993)
  • Private papers of engineers: e.g. Karl Culmann, Robert Maillart, Aurel Stodola
  • Private papers of natural scientists: e.g. Albert Einstein documents by Carl Seelig, Vladimir Prelog, Leopold Ruzicka, Rudolf Wolf
  • Private papers of mathematicians: e.g. Paul Bernays, Heinz Hopf, Hermann Weyl, Eduard Stiefel, George Pólya
  • Private papers of psychologists: e.g. C.G. Jung Papers Collection
  • Subject-based archives with contents related to ETH Zurich: e.g. Archives of the History of Nuclear Energy in Switzerland
  • Archives of student associations and academic societies

Relevance of research and Public

The balanced mix of administrative records and private papers is complemented by archives that have a structural or subject-based connection to ETH Zurich. Together, they form a solid foundation for research on technical, social and science history issues.

Moreover, the private papers, student administration records and the biographical documentation are also a valuable source for genealogical and other biographically oriented research.

Current activities, projects

Use of the archive / online presence


ETH Zurich University Archives
  • +41 44 632 07 04
  • Email
  • Website

ETH Zurich
ETH Library
Rämistrasse 101
8092 Zurich