ETH News
All stories by Bianca Gasser, Florian Meyer
A place for students to develop their ideas

ETH students should have opportunities to realise their ideas. To meet this need, ETH Zurich is building a new centre for student initiatives and entrepreneurial talent at its Hönggerberg campus. The winner of the architectural competition is the EQUILIBRES project designed by ARGE Buchner Bründler Planer / Rapp Architekten.
ETH Zurich receives Swiss Energy Prize

ETH Zurich has won the Swiss Watt d’Or Energy Prize for its dynamic underground storage system at the Hönggerberg campus. Switzerland’s Federal Office of Energy has recognised ETH for energy excellence in the category of “Buildings and space”.
Pathway to Campus Hönggerberg 2040

ETH Zurich is planning a phased infill development of its Hönggerberg location. The vision is of an attractive campus with a city neighbourhood feel, combining teaching, research, and knowledge transfer with space to relax and socialise. The special building regulations are now open to the local public for feedback. The city of Zurich has thus fulfilled the legal and planning requirements for the further development of the campus.