Study up on Sundays too

The Main Building on ETH Zurich’s Zentrum campus has new opening hours. From 6 January 2014, it will be open to guests and visitors on Sundays, too. This means that students can study in the building all weekend.

Enlarged view: Main Building Students
From January 2014, students will be able to use the workstations in the foyers of the Main Building and the ETH-Bibliothek all weekend. (Photo: Christian Aeberhardt)

Students and visitors will soon have access to the ETH Zurich Main Building on Saturdays and Sundays. The InfoCenter at the ETH Library will also be open as well as the CafeBar in the Main Building by the main entrance on Rämistrasse where you treat yourself to a hot panini. For art lovers, the Prints and Drawings Collection will also be open from 22 February on Saturdays and Sundays during exhibitions.

These new opening hours were set in response to a demand from students who will now have access to study areas in the foyers and the ETH Library all weekend. However, the seminar, meeting and lecture rooms will remain closed at weekends. Nor are all of the ETH Library services available all weekend: the circulation desk, for example, will remain closed on Sundays.

Staff Access

ETH Zurich employees can enter the Main Building outside regular opening hours using their personal ETH ID card. For this purpose, ETH Zurich has installed a new electronic access system at the two side entrances on the Polyterrasse and Rämistrasse. Please note that the building access system requires a PIN-code, which can be activated online. PIN-codes can then be changed at any time at:

To leave the building, press the yellow illuminated buttons labelled "Night Exit" to open the doors. This new electronic access system will come into operation in mid-December 2013.

The two disabled access points on floor D (pedestrian access from Tannenstrasse/Raemistrasse) and floor C (vehicular access from Leonhardstrasse) are also being converted to the new access system, effective early 2014.

New opening hours

From 6 January 2014, the opening hours on Saturdays and Sundays will be as follows:

  • Main Building: 8.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m.
  • ETH Library: 9.00 a.m. – 4.45 p.m.
  • CafeBar in the Main Building: 9.00 a.m. – 3.00 p.m.

On work days, the Main Building is open from 6.00 a.m. – 10.00 p.m.

Closed on public holidays

On Christmas Eve (24 December 2013), the Main Building will be closed from 1.00 p.m. and will remain closed over the holiday period from 25 December 2013 up to and including 5 January 2013.

The Main Building will also be closed on the following holidays:

  • Easter Sunday, Whit Sunday and the Sunday after the Polyball.


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