November 2014
Nitrogen build-up in the oceans

Man-made activities are having a direct impact on the biogeochemistry of the world’s oceans – not only in terms of carbon. Researchers have now shown that also nitrogen compounds released into the atmosphere from combustion processes and agriculture end up in the open ocean.
Increasing energy efficiency and stepping up energy research in the ETH Domain

The Swiss Federal Administration, the ETH Domain and the parastate enterprises SBB, Swiss Post, Swisscom and Skyguide are aiming to further improve their energy efficiency in future. To this end, a package of measures is being planned as part of the Energy Strategy 2050.
A day devoted to promoting research

Hundreds of young researchers from the Zurich area attended Research Day at ETH Zurich on Wednesday and obtained information on the possibilities available at the Swiss National Science Foundation for promoting research.
Award for cancer researcher

The pharmacist, Cristina Müller, has been awarded the Ruzicka Prize - one of Switzerland’s most important awards for young researchers in the field of chemistry. She is working on a method for irradiating cancer directly within the body.
Zehn Prioritäten für Klimaschutz und Wirtschaftsentwicklung

Massnahmen zum Klimaschutz sind dringend notwendig, werden aber zögerlich umgesetzt. Zu gross ist die Angst vor Wettbewerbsnachteilen und hohen Kosten. Eine Gruppe von Wirtschaftsexperten hat Massnahmen erarbeitet, die sich sofort umsetzen lassen und Emissionssenkungen wie auch eine bessere Wirtschaftsentwicklung ermöglichen.
Unique rammed earth dome at Hönggerberg

The ETH Hönggerberg campus has a new attraction: a dome built with prefabricated rammed earth elements that provides a sanctuary for relaxing in summer and offers new insights into the stability of earth structures. It was designed and built by students from the Department of Architecture.
Bedrohte Feuerwerke der Evolution

In der Arktis und der Wüste zeigt sich die Natur von ihrer hartnäckigsten Seite, in Regenwäldern von ihrer üppigsten. Auf Inseln findet man beides: vielfältige Ökosysteme auf von Vulkanausbrüchen geprägten, kargen Felsen mitten im Meer. Aber gerade auf Inseln ist die Biodiversität besonders gefährdet.
Effective learning with Wikibooks

Associate professor Thomas Haslwanter motivates his students to contribute to Wikibooks to create a written record of his course. Over the past six years, a 200-page compendium on the subject of sensory systems has emerged and is freely available on the internet.
University Assembly pays tribute to Ralph Eichler

ETH Zurich President Ralph Eichler will officially hand over the presidential baton to Lino Guzzella on 15 December. On Thursday, the University Assembly thanked him for his dedicated service.
Encouraging more critical opinion
Press release

ETH Zurich celebrated this year’s traditional ETH Day with numerous guests. The retiring ETH President Ralph Eichler received special recognition. The speeches revolved around concerns that Switzerland is becoming increasingly isolated.