ETH continues to grow

On 18 September, ETH Zurich will welcome more than 25,000 students for the Autumn Semester, according to provisional figures. Enrolment at the Bachelor’s level has risen for the first time since the pandemic.

Students walk across campus by main building
Starting next Monday, things will be livelier again on campus at ETH Zurich. (Photograph: Gian Marco Castelberg / ETH Zurich)

A total of around 25,000 students and doctoral candidates will start the Autumn Semester at ETH Zurich this coming Monday. Some 3,250 Bachelor’s students will be setting out on their studies, according to the current enrolment figures. This marks an increase in the number of new students at Bachelor’s level compared to the previous year (2022: around 3,100). “We’re delighted to welcome the next generation of scientists, engineers, architects and other professionals to our university, and we hope they all get off to a successful start,” says ETH Rector Günther Dissertori.

The most popular courses

As in previous years, the most popular courses among first-year students are in Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science and Architecture. The Bachelor’s degree programmes in Physics, Mathematics as well as Health Sciences and Technology are also attracting a lot of interest.

Among the Master’s degree programmes, Mechanical Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Sciences ranked high on the student popularity scale.

Matriculation for the Autumn Semester of 2023 has not yet been concluded at ETH. The final figures are determined in November of each year.

University with an international network

Women account for about 33 percent of new students in the Autumn Semester. Of the Bachelor’s students enrolled by the start of the semester, 81 percent are from Switzerland while 19 percent acquired their previous education abroad. Among Master’s students, 43 percent are students with foreign entry qualifications. The most represented nationalities are Germany, Italy, China or the USA. Additionally, around 280 students from partner universities will study at ETH. Among them, students from Swiss, Swedish, and British universities are the most prominent. Approximately 170 students participating in mobility programs will also carry out study or project work at ETH. These students mostly come from German, Swiss, and Italian universities.


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