Past ETH Industry Days
ETH Industry Day 2023
6 September 2023, ETH Hönggerberg
Highlights of the 2023 ETH Industry Day
(Gion Pfander) -
(Gion Pfander) -
(Gion Pfander)
Jeannine Pilloud, Partnerships for Innovation, ETH Zurich
Navigating the Horizons: AI in Media - Balancing Innovation, Quality, and Responsibility
Dr. Dominic Herzog, Chief Data Scientist at TX Group AG
Session 1: Digitalisation & Security
Case Study: Matching Talents and Jobs
Dr. Nico Gorbach, Adecco; Dr. Silvia Quarteroni, Swiss Data Science Center
Focusing on the Human Factors in Cybersecurity; Prof. Verena Zimmermann
Leveraging Unlabeled Data for Trustworthy Machine Learning; Prof. Fanny Yang
Computer Vision and Spatial Computing; Prof. Marc Pollefeys
ETH Spin-off: CLIMADA Technologies | The Future of Climate Risk and Adaptation
Sebastian Glink
Session 2: Health & Food
Case Study: Circular Economy of Medical Devices
Cédric Gysel, Janssen Pharmaceuticals; Dr. Stephan Fox, ETH Feasibility Lab
Low-Cost Gas Sensors for Environmental Health Monitoring; Prof. Maté Joszef Bezdek
Muscle Biology in Focus: Advancing Health and Nutrition through Science; Prof. Katrien De Bock
From Physiological Fatigue to Peak Performance - Technological Implications; Prof. Christina Spengler
ETH Pioneer Fellow: Painless Delivery of Injectable Drugs via OctoPatchTM
Dr. Nevena Paunovic
Session 3: Energy & Sustainability
Case Study: More Power from Less Energy
Riccardo Tinivella, Brusa HyPower; Salvatore Race, ETH Advanced Power Semiconductor Laboratory
Putting Net-zero Scenarios into Practice; Dr. Gianfranco Guidati
Aircraft Engines Fuelled by Hydrogen; Prof. Nicolas Noiray
ETH Spin-off: Scandens| Profitable Building Decarbonization at Scale
Jakub Szczesniak
ETH Spin-off: eightinks | A Manufacturing Platform for Lithium Ion Batteries
Dr. Paul Baade
Session 4: Processes & Materials
Case Study: Smart Assistant for Manual Assembly
Tobias Rippstein, Huber+Suhner; Remo Gander, Bossard; Jonas Conrad, ETH Product Development Group Zurich / inspire
CO2 Capture and Conversion: From Materials to Processes; Dr. Paula Macarena Abdala
Mechanics for Innovation; Prof. Edoardo Mazza
Using Robotics to Create Big Data for Data-driven Material Modelling; Prof. Dirk Mohr
ETH Pioneer Fellow: Apheros - Metal Foams for Thermal Management
Dr. Julia Carpenter
ETH Industry Day 2022
7 September 2022, ETH Hönggerberg
Highlights of the 2022 ETH Industry Day
(Gion Pfander) -
(Gion Pfander) -
(Gion Pfander)
Prof. Vanessa Wood, Vice President of Knowledge Transfer and Corporate Relations, ETH Zurich
Weathering the Cyber Security Storm; Fritz Steinmann, SIX Group
Session 1: Robotics & Machine Learning
Case Study: Forecasting unpredictable storms
Marielle Müller, Appenzeller Bahnen; Dr. Irina Mahlstein, MeteoSchweiz
4D Scene Understanding; Prof. Fisher Yu
Optimal transport for market generation; Prof. Beatrice Acciaio
Scaling up biodiversity monitoring with drones; Prof. Stefano Mintchev
ETH Spin-off: Visium | Why most AI initiatives fail to deliver business benefits
Lucas Nottaris
Session 2: Health & Food
Case Study: Bringing a smile to your face
Zelko Relic, Align Technology; Dr. Barbara Solenthaler, ETH Computer Graphics Laboratory
Promoting global equity in early Alzheimer's detection and neurological diagnostics; Prof. Rafael Polania
Global Food Systems: novel approaches to certification, monitoring, and traceability; Prof. Eva-Marie Meemken
MobileCoach – the open-source platform to create fully-automated digital health interventions; Prof. Tobias Kowatsch
ETH Spin-off: Oxyle | Purifying wastewater with a smart catalyst
Dr. Fajer Mushtaq
Session 3: Manufacturing & Materials
Case Study: Building on CO2
Dominik Wlodarczak, Jura Materials; Dr. Johannes Tiefenthaler, Neustark; Prof. Marco Mazzotti,
ETH Separation Processes Laboratory
Harnessing acoustically driven multiphase fluids; Prof. Outi Supponen
Trust, but Verify: Building the Foundations for Secure Software; Prof. Shweta Shinde
Integrated circuits for applications in communication, sensor technology and bioelectronics; Prof. Hua Wang
ETH Spin-off: Biosimo Chemicals AG | Sustainable bulk chemicals
Dr. Sotiria Mostrou
Session 4: Energy & Construction
Case Study: Cloud-based windmill doctor
Dr. Stefano Marelli, Adranis; Prof. Eleni Chatzi, ETH Structural Mechanics and Monitoring;
Dr. Imad Abdallah, RTDT Laboratories AG
This is not a pipe: how digital innovation can help circular construction; Prof. Catherine De Wolf
Decarbonising Industry - long-term transformation pathways of Swiss industry in view of a zero-carbon energy system; Dr. Tom Kober
Zero Carbon Buildings: Joint Research for Impact; Dr. Illias Hischier
ETH Spin-off: DuraMon | Structural health corrosion monitoring solutions
Dr. Yurena Segui Femenias
ETH Industry Day 2021
8 September 2021, ETH Hönggerberg
Highlights of the 2021 ETH Industry Day
Prof. Vanessa Wood, Vice President of Knowledge Transfer and Corporate Relations, ETH Zurich
Session 1: Robotics & AI
Case Study: Tele-Operated Excavator
Thomas Gut, SBB; Dr. Dominic Jud, ETH Robotic Systems Lab
E-Textiles for Sport and Health | Prof. Carlo Menon
Soft & Biohybrid Robots for Manipulation & Locomotion | Prof. Robert Katzschmann
ETH Spin-off: BotaSystems - Force-Sensitive Robots | Klajd Lika
ETH Spin-off: LatticeFlow - Build and Deploy Trustworthy AI | Dr. Petar Tsankov
Session 2: Health & Food
Case Study: Life Cycle Analysis of Peppermint Extract
Dr. Evelyn Wolfram, Andrea Mannhart, Ricola; Dr. Larissa Schefer, ETH Competence Center for Materials and Processes (MaP)
Exploiting Individual Cells as Functional Units in Immune Response | Prof. Klaus Eyer
Knee deep in kinematics: unique approaches for understanding joint motion in vivo | Dr. Pascal Schütz
Designing Sustainable Resource Supply Chains | Prof. Rachael Garrett
Biology and Vulnerabilities of Circulating Tumor Cells | Prof. Nicola Aceto
Pioneer Fellow: BactoKind, a Microbial Solution to Infant Colic | Dr. Vanesa Rocha Martin
Session 3: Manufacturing & Materials
Case Study: Optimised Grinding Process: Monitoring Railway Networks
Stefano Meinardi, Scheuchzer; Dr. Ralf Gerdes, inspire
Additive Manufacturing Processes for Industry | Prof. Markus Bambach
Materials Engineering for Fast Energy Storage | Prof. Maria Lukatskaya
Modulators, Sensors and Spectrometers on Integrated LiNbO3-Chips for Photonics | Prof. Rachel Grange
Spin-off: NematX - Accelerating Industrial 3D Printing with New Materials | Dr. Raphael Heeb
Session 4: Management & Digitalisation
Case Study: Improve Die Casting with Data Science | Dr. Patrick Reichen, Bühler; Dr. Anna Androsova, SDSC, Natalie Barcicki, SDSC
Financing the Decarbonisation of Industries | Prof. Bjarne Steffen
Forgetful Computers, Your Security and Proactive Memory | Prof. Kaveh Razavi
Efficiently Ingesting Data for Machine Learning | Prof. Ana Klimovic
Algorithms and Circuits for Beyond Fifth-Generation (B5G) Wireless Systems | Prof. Christoph Studer
Spin-off: BLP Digital: Automation of ERP Processes | Tim Beck
ETH Industry eWeek 2020
21-24th September 2020, virtual event
Prof. Dr. Detlef Günther, VP Research and Corporate Relations, ETH Zurich
Monday, 21st September 2020 | Health & Nutrition
Prof. James Mitchell | What (not) to Eat before Surgery and the Benefits of Commercializing it
Prof. Inge Katrin Herrmann | Bioactive Nanoparticle based Tissue Adhesives
Prof. Ori Bar-Nur | New Approaches to Model Skeletal Muscle Regeneration in Vitro
ETH Pioneer Fellow: LemnaPro - Duckweed for Food | Cyrill Hess
Case Study: Nanosurf - Weighing Cells | Dr. Urs Matter, Prof. Daniel Müller
Tuesday, 22nd September 2020 | Digitalisation
Prof. Kenneth Paterson | Internet Security in the Quantum Era
Prof. Siyu Tang | Learning to See and Generate Humans
Prof. Valentina Boeva | Computational Methods for Cancer Research
ETH Spin-off: Animatico - Interactive AI Characters | Dr. Pascal Bérard
Case Study: SRF - Swiss Voice Assistant | Dr. Christian Vogg, Dr. Severin Klingler
Wednesday, 23rd September 2020 | Materials & Processes
Prof. Laura de Lorenzis | Modelling and Simulation of Fracture and Fatigue
Prof. Maksym Yarema | Liquid-Phase Bottom-up Approach of Functional Layers and Devices
Prof. Daniel Ahmed | Sonobots: Ultrasound Manipulation In Vivo
ETH Pioneer Fellow: No Touch Robotics - Gripping without Touching | Dr. Marcel Schuck
Case Study: Univerre - 3D Printed Glass | David Naselli, Prof. André Studart
Thursday, 24th September 2020 | Energy & Construction
Prof. Andreas Taras | Process-Quality based Structural Performance Assessment for
Metal Structures
Prof. André Bardow | From Molecules to Sustainable Energy & Chemicals
Prof. Thomas Schutzius | Sustainable Production of Electricity and Clean Water:
Coatings Repellent to Limescale Formation
ETH Spin-off: FenX - Insulation Reborn from Ashes | Dr. Etienne Jeoffroy
Case Study: Integrated Energy Systems Modelling Platform (Nexus-e) |
Prof. Gabriela Hug
ETH Industry Day 2019
4 September 2019, ETH Hönggerberg
Highlights of the 2019 Industry Day
Prof. Dr. Detlef Günther, VP Research and Corporate Relations, ETH Zurich
Martina Hirayama, State Secretary for Education, Research and Innovation
Session 1: Materials and Processes
Case Study: Geberit, Hubert Britschgi, Omid Maghazei
Drones in manufacturing
Prof. David Kammer; Strong and tough materials with interfaces
Prof. Victor Mougel; New electrolyzers for overall CO2 reduction
Prof. Athina Anastasaki; Manipulating polymeric architecture
ETH Pioneer Fellows: microPow - Everlasting indulgence, finally.
Session 2: Cyber-physical Systems
Case Study: Wetrok & Sevensense, Jörn Mazenauer, Dr. Gregory Hitz
Easy-to-use cleaning robot
Prof. Martin Vechev; Trustworthy artificial intelligence
Prof. Melanie Zeilinger; Safe learning for control systems
Prof. Taekwang Jang; Millimetre-scale computers for the Internet-of-Everything
Prof. Olga Fink; Self-adaptable intelligent maintenance systems
Session 3: Technology for Health
Case Study: Boehringer Ingelheim, Dr. Matthias Zentgraf, Prof. Gisbert Schneider,
Rethinking drug design with AI
Prof. Stanisa Raspopovic; From bionic limbs to bioelectronic treatments
Prof. Christian Holz; Tracking blood pressure using unobtrusive glasses
Prof. Paolo Arosio; Development and delivery of biotherapeutics
ETH Spin-off: Lumendo; Light-active materials for surgeries
Session 4: Sustainability
Case Study: Schweizer Salinen, Dr. Ch. Urs Hofmeier, Dr. Petrissa Eckle
Sustainability is more than you think
Prof. Konrad Schindler; Image intelligence for sustainable sourcing
Prof. Philippe Block; Strength through geometry
Prof. Gonzalo Guillén Gosálbez; Towards a more sustainable industry
using process system engineering
ETH Pioneer Fellow: Oxara; Sustainable and affordable housing
ETH Industry Day 2018
5 September, 2018 at ETH Hönggerberg
Highlights of the 2018 ETH Industry Day
Welcome and industry keynote
Prof. Dr. Detlef Günther, Vice President Research and Corporate Relations
Session 1: Health and Food
Case Study: Roche, Dr. C. Frattinger, Prof. J. Vörös
Molography: A Molecular hologram for diagnostics
Prof. S. Schürle; Point-of-care low-cost diagnosis of arthritis
Prof. M. Tibbitt; Minimally invasive drug delivery systems
Dr. M. Schmelcher; Bacteriophage endolysins as antimicrobials
ETH Spin-off: PharmaBiome
Next generation microbiome therapy
Session 2: Data Science
Case Study: Zurich Insurance, G. Gunkel, Prof. C. Zhang
Automated visual document parsing
Prof. E. Konukoglu; Machine learning for image reconstruction and segmentation
Prof. L. Vanbever; Provably correct network operations
Prof. S. Feuerriegel; From data-driven predictions to management decision
ETH Spin-off: DataHow
Hybrid modeling and machine learning in manufacturing
Session 3: Mobility & Energy
Case Study: SBB, Dr. G. Caimi, Prof. F. Corman
Optimization of real-time railway traffic
Prof. G. Sansavini; Infrastructures and energy networks
Prof. M. Raubal; Big movement data analytics
Prof. S. Hellweg; Sustainable waste and resource management
ETH Spin-off: Fixposition
Navigation for autonomous vehicles
Session 4: Robotics and Manufacturing
Case Study: Henkel & Cie., Dr. C. Lehringer, Prof. A. Frangi
Fire safety of structural timber elements bonded with 1C PUR adhesives
Prof. S. Coros; Computational approaches to creating bespoke mobile robots
Prof. U. Angst; Corrosion inspection and monitoring
Prof. D. Hall; Industry 4.0 platform for industrialized construction
ETH Spin-off: 9tlabs
Fiber reinforced materials through 3D printing
ETH Industry Day 2017
August 29, 2017 at ETH Hönggerberg
Impressions from the Industry Day 2017
Welcome and industry keynote
Prof. Dr. Detlef Günther, Vice President Research and Corporate Relations
Dr. Andreas Bong, Head of Corporate Research & Technology, Hilti AG
Session 1: Mobility and energy
Prof. Emilio Frazzoli, Autonomous vehicles
Prof. Margarita Chli, Vision for aerial robots
Prof. Martin Saar, Geothermal energy
Prof. Gabriela Hug, Electric power systems
ETH spin-off Sunredox, Solar fuels
Session 2: Construction and production
Prof. Eleni Chatzi, Structural health monitoring
Norman Hack, Digital fabrication
Prof. Arno Schlüter, Adaptive solar façade
Prof. Lucio Isa, Nanoparticles as emulsion stabilizers
ETH spin-off 6C Tools, Machining tools
Session 3: Information and communication
Prof. Jürg Leuthold, Optical communication
Prof. Onur Mutlu, Future computing and genome analysis platforms
Prof. Gunnar Rätsch, Analysis and modelling of biomedical data
Prof. Timothy Roscoe, Online modelling of enterprise datacenter behavior
ETH spin-off Veezoo, Platform for data exploration
Session 4: Health, food and environment
Prof. Simon Ametamey, Imaging of brain diseases
Prof. Sebastian Kozerke, Cardiovascular imaging
Prof. Achim Walter, Smart agriculture
Prof. Jing Wang, Air quality control
ETH spin-off MaxWell Biosystems, Bioelectronics
ETH Industry Day 2016
September 6, 2016 at ETH Hönggerberg
Impressions from the Industry Day 2016
Welcome and industry keynote
Prof. Dr. Detlef Günther, Vice President Research and Corporate Relations
Frank Lehmann, VP Intellectual Asset & Innovation Partnership Management at Nestlé
Data Science
Prof. Dr. Srdjan Capkun, Systems security
Prof. Dr. Donald Kossmann, Databases and information systems
Prof. Dr. Otmar Hilliges, Advanced interactive technologies
Prof. Dr. Ernst Hafen, Molecular systems biology
Energy and resources
Prof. Dr. Javier Perez-Ramirez, Catalysis engineering group
Prof. Dr. Nicolas Noiray, Energy technologies
Prof. Dr. Ulrike Grossner, Advanced power semiconductors
Prof. Dr. Tobias Schmidt, Energy policy
Prof. Dr. Bart Clarysse, Entrepreneurship
Dr. Thomas Nescher, Inspacion
Dr. Andreas Ulbig, Adaptricity
Dr. Claudia Plüss, CatchEye
Daniel Meier, Aerotain
Materials and processes
Prof. Dr. Jan Vermant, Soft materials
Prof. Dr. Thomas Lippert, Functional materials & energy applications
Prof. Dr. Melanie Zeilinger, Dynamic Systems and control
Prof. Dr. Marco Ranocchiari, Heterogeneous catalysis
Food and nutrition
Prof. Dr. Alexander Mathys, Sustainable food processing
Prof. Dr. Laura Nyström, Food biochemistry
Prof. Dr. Michael Zimmermann, Human nutrition
Prof. Dr. Michael Siegrist, Environmental decisions
Prof. Dr. Detlef Günther
Prof. Dr. Bob Sumner, Disney Research
Industry Day 2015
August 25, 2015 at ETH Zentrum
Impressions from the 2015 Industry Day

Prof. Dr. Detlef Günther, Vice President Research and Corporate Relations
Dr. Hans Hess, President Swissmem
Keynote: Dr. Christian Studer, Schindler AG
Session 1: Sensors
Prof. Dr. Lukas Novotny, Chair of Photonics
Prof. Dr. Petra Dittrich, Chair of Bioanalytics
Prof. Dr. Walter Karlen, Chair of Mobile Health Systems
Prof. Dr. Sotiris Pratsinis
Session 2: Robotics
Prof. Dr. Bradley Nelson, Multi-Scale Robotics Lab
Prof. Dr. Robert Riener, Sensory-Motor Systems Lab
Prof. Dr. Roland Siegwart, Autonomous Systems Lab
Prof. Dr. Jonas Buchli, Agile & Dexterous Robotics Lab
Session 3: Entrepreneurship at ETH
Mattias Ivarsson, Inositec
Clara Beck, TapTools
Felix Liebl, ETHjuniors
Session 4: Systems Biology and Personalized Medicine
Prof. Dr. Niko Beerenwinkel, Chair of Computational Biology
Prof. Dr. Seraina Riniker, Chair of Computational Chemistry
Prof. Dr. Bernd Wollscheid, Institute of Molecular Systems Biology
Prof. Dr. Christian Wolfrum, Laboratory of Translational Nutrition Biology
Session 5: Highlights
Prof. Dr. Marco Mazzotti, Institute of Process Engineering
Prof. Dr. Edoardo Mazza, Institue of Mechanical Systems
Prof. Dr. Petros Koumoutsakos, Chair of Computational Science
Prof. Dr. Thomas Schulthess, Institute of Theoretical Physics
Summary and farewell
Prof. Dr. Detlef Günther, Vice President Research and Corporate Relations
Industry Day 2014
August 26, 2014 at ETH Zentrum
Impressions from the 2014 Industry Day

Prof. Dr. Roland Y. Siegwart, Vice President Research and Corporate Relations
Dr. Hans Hess, President, Swissmem
Session 1: Energy
Dr. Remo Lütolf, ABB Switzerland AG
Prof. Dr. Thomas J. Schmidt, Electrochemistry
Prof. Dr. Vanessa Wood, Nanophotonics und Nanoelectronics
Prof. Dr. Aldo Steinfeld, Renewable Energy Carriers
Prof. Dr. Volker Hoffmann, Sustainability and Technology
Prof. Dr. Maksym Kovalenko, Functional Inorganic Materials
Session 2: Big Data
Dr. Matthias Kaiserswerth, Director IBM Research-Zürich
Prof. Dr. Gustavo Alonso, Information and Communications Systems
Prof. Dr. Peter Bühlmann, Seminar for Statistics
Prof. Dr. Dirk Helbing, Sociology – Modeling and Simulation
Prof. Dr. Andreas Krause, Learning and Adaptive Systems
Prof. Dr. Thomas Hofmann, Machine Learning
Session 3: Pioneer Fellows: Becoming Entrepreneur
Dr. Fabian Nater, upicto
Dr. Patrick Galliker, Scrona
Session 4: Additive manufacturing and new manufacturing processes
Dr. Markus Hofer, Director New Technologies, Division Advanced Materials, Bühler AG
Prof. Dr. Marcy Zenobi-Wong, Cartilage Engineering & Regeneration
Prof. Dr. Matthias Kohler, Architecture and Digital Fabrication
Prof. Dr. Mirko Meboldt, Product Design
Prof. Dr. Kristina Shea, Engineering Design & Computing
Prof. Dr. Markus Niederberger, Multifunctional Materials
Session 5: Graphics, Vision and Imaging
Dr. Stefan Zwick, Head MRI CryoProbe R&D, Bruker BioSpin AG
Prof. Dr. Klaas Prüssmann, Bioimaging
Prof. Dr. Markus Rudin, Molecular Imaging and Functional Pharmacology
Prof. Dr. Olga Sorkine, Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling
Prof. Dr. Markus Gross, Graphical Data Processing
Prof. Dr. Luc Van Gool, Computer Vision
Summary and farewell
Prof. Dr. Ralph Eichler, President, ETH Zurich