D-INFK: Computer Science
Special considerations / prerequisites
Compulsory background
- We require a sound technical background: By the beginning of the exchange, students should have completed courses in computer science and mathematics that in total amount to at least 1.5 years of full-time studies at ETH Zurich.
- The courses do not have to match exactly the contents of our Bachelor’s courses, but the complexity and the volume have to be comparable. Use our Bachelor's programme as a reference.
Study plan rules
- You must take at least 20 ECTS per semester. Recommended are 20 to 26 ECTS. If you want to take more than 30 ECTS, a consultation is mandatory.
- At least 10 ECTS per semester must be earned in D-INFK BSc and MSc programmes (not in related fields, interdisciplinary courses or outside computer science; see the “offered in” tab in the course catalogue).
- At least 14 ECTS per semester must be earned in D-INFK BSc and MSc programmes or related study programmes such as electrical engineering, mathematics, or physics (see the “offered in” tab in the course catalogue).
- The rest may be earned with (almost) any course at ETH, as long as credits from no other department exceed credits from D-INFK (see first three digits of the course numbers): D-INFK course numbers: 252-, 261- & 263-xxxx-xxx.
- Attendance of at most 1 D-INFK seminar per semester is allowed.
- Interfocus courses are not open for exchange students (see category in Course Catalogue under Programme, Section).
All rules for the study plan are listed in detail in a presentation for incoming students.