Innovedum project rights

Conditions, licensing and property rights

General conditions

Please take note of the following general conditions when undertaking an Innovedum application:

  1. Pursuant to Art. 36, Para. 1 of the ETH Act, all rights to intangible assets created by ETH Zurich employees during the course of their official activities there belong to ETH Zurich, with the exception of intellectual property rights. User rights to computer programmes belong solely to ETH Zurich.
  2. Should inventions be generated within the framework of the Innovedum project, the ETH Board Regulations on Intellectual Property and Equity [Regelungen der Immaterialgüter- und Beteiligungsverordnung des ETH-Rates] (RSETHZ 125) and the ETH Zurich Financial Exploitation Guidelines [Verwertungsrichtlinien der ETH Zürich] (RSETHZ 440.4) apply.
  3. Should copyrighted works generated by the Innovedum project (e.g., textbooks) assume commercial value, any incomes which they generate go to the respective ETH unit (department, institute, chair etc.).
  4. Out-licensing of software (e.g. for open source) that is created during an Innovedum project is possible. The IP & Licensing Group at ETH is available as a contact for out-licensing and spin-offs in general.