Designing project-based courses

Project-based education (PBE) is a popular way to give students agency in their learning experience, train transferable competencies and connect teaching to real-world or practice contexts. Designing and implementing PBE is not rocket science but can be daunting the first time, or when working from an existing class format that needs refreshing.


Booster workshop:

Project-based courses: their design and management

17.03.2025, 13.00-16.30, PBLabs RZ (Clausiusstrasse 59)

In this Booster, we will explore the key features of PBE, translate those to your teaching context, and work on the practical aspects of its delivery and management.

By the end of the workshop, you will be able to:

  • Describe the key features of project-based education
  • Create a PBE course design that encompasses the key features
  • Recommend suitable assessments for the PBE context of your course
  • Estimate the resources (personnel, financial, teaching spaces) required to deliver your PBE course

This workshop is ideal for anyone with responsibility for a course (or actively involved in co-delivering a course) and who is especially looking to promote active learning or training of transferable competencies. You are encouraged to sign up as a team.

The workshop will be in English and led by Dr. Emily Elsner from PBLabs, part of UTL at ETH Zürich.

Register via the Booster Workshop page