Project-Based Education in Action
Project-Based Education in Action
ETH has some fantastic project-based courses in its departments. We highlight some here to inspire you
Classes are listed here with the course type and class size. Our experience is that when designing a PBE format, the class size and whether it is a semester or block course creates important boundary conditions for the design process, especially in terms of resources and activities like fieldtrips.
Not yet part of this? Write to Emily Elsner, the PBLabs Educational Developer (, and let’s get you featured!
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How can we develop a business idea into a viable business plan and pitch it to an expert jury?
D-MTEC, Chair of Entrepreneurship // Semester class (14 weeks) // 100 students // 3 ECTS
River Restoration
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How can we revitalise a river section and restore near natural processes to increase habitat quality and biodiversity?
D-BAUG Laboratory for Hydraulics, Hydrology and Glaciology (VAW) // Semester class (14 weeks) // 40 Students // 3 ECTS
NADEL Interdisciplinary Sustainable Development Challenge
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How can we address sustainable development challenges that are complex, interdisciplinary and intercultural in nature?
D-GESS, NADEL Centre for Development and Cooperation // Semester class (14 weeks) // 24 students // 4 ECTS
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How can first year students studying BSc Environmental Sciences be trained in the basic skills of analysing real-life problems, developing ways of resolving them together with stakeholders and evaluating those solutions?
D-USYS // Double semester class (2x 14 weeks) // 120 students // 2x 10 ECTS
Coming soon:
Corporate Sustainability (D-MTEC)
Design Studios (D-ARCH)