Vice President for Infrastructure and Sustainability
Prof. Dr Ulrich Weidmann has been Vice President for Infrastructure and Sustainability since 1 January 2016.
The Vice President for Infrastructure and Sustainability leads the Infrastructure and Sustainability domain in the role of Chief Operating Officer.
The domain's core competences are the procurement, renewal and maintenance of needs-based infrastructures, as well as services for teaching, research, transfer, outreach and administration.
Area of responsibility
The following units report to the Vice President for Infrastructure and Sustainability:
Ulrich Weidmann is responsible for building infrastructures, including the development and management of the property portfolio, construction project management, building operations and energy systems. The management of knowledge resources in accordance with the principles of open science ensures the supply of literature, supports publication processes and secures publications. The domain procures and operates the basic IT infrastructure, manages licences and supports users. It provides ETH members with additional services for the organisation of events, mobility, transport and storage needs, as well as printed products and digital publications. The workshop platform organises the production of mechanical and electronic components. The Infrastructure and Sustainability domain is also responsible for the cross-divisional tasks of operational safety, technical environmental protection, health protection and sustainability.
Chair of the Foundation for Student Housing Zurich (Stiftung für Studentisches Wohnen SSWZ)
The external page Foundation for Student Housing Zurich (SSWZ) develops and secures affordable housing for students in the city of Zurich. The SSWZ thus makes an important contribution to strengthening the attractiveness and quality of Zurich as a university location.
Board member of the Zurich Academic Sports Association (ASVZ)
The external page ASVZ is a cross-university service organisation. Its purpose is to promote sport on a voluntary basis for all students and members of the universities in Zurich.
Chair of the Art in Architecture Commission
ETH Zurich's art inventory primarily contains mainly works by Swiss artists from the 19th to 21st centuries. A part of the inventory is accessible to the general public as art in architecture on the entire ETH Zurich site (Centre and Hönggerberg) and guided tours take place on a regular basis. ETH Zurich supports the installation of art objects in and on ETH buildings.
Member of the Board of Directors Polybahn
Every year, the external page Polybahn transports approximately two million people from Central to the ETH Polyterrasse and back again. The cable car is a piece of Zurich's history.
Steering Committee Barrier-Free at ETH Zurich
ETH Zurich is committed to barrier-free access: People with disabilities or people with special needs - whether students, teachers, researchers, employees or visitors - should have largely unrestricted access to ETH buildings and services over the next few years.
Co-Head of the Scientific Equipment Program
With the Scientific Equipment Program, the evaluation of expensive equipment purchases is carried out according to scientific aspects and efficiency criteria, taking into account the strategy and objectives of ETH Zurich.
Bereich VPIN
Binzmühlestrasse 130