Workstream 1: Executive Board, basic architecture & boards

Two new Executive Board domains

In laying the foundation for the rETHink project, the Executive Board established two new Executive Board domains: one for leadership and personnel development and another for knowledge transfer and corporate relations

Mission of the workstream

  • Adapting the organisation and collaboration based on the expansion of the Executive Board (EB)
  • Coordinating the tasks, skills and responsibilities between the three institutional levels (professorships, academic departments, Executive Board including central administrative units and boards/commissions/delegates) -> hand over to working group “Big Topics” for further processing


  • Onboarding and integration of two new VPs, adapting the development organisation and resources of all EB domains (budget structure 2021)
  • Clarifying cooperation and coordination in the new expanded Executive Board
  • Establishing the basic architecture and the tasks, skills and responsibilities (TSRs) between the three institutional levels -> hand over to working group “Big Topics” for further processing
  • Optimising processes at the level of the boards, commissions and delegates -> hand over to working group “Big Topics” for further processing
