Prof. Dr. Gabriel Neurohr

Prof. Dr.  Gabriel Neurohr

Prof. Dr. Gabriel Neurohr

SNSF Professor at the Department of Biology

ETH Zürich

Institut für Biochemie

HPM G 16.2

Otto-Stern-Weg 3

8093 Zürich


Additional information

Research area

From bacteria to higher eukaryotes all cells of a specific cell type have a very characteristic size. Why tight regulation of cell size is so critical for cell function is largely unexplored. This question is interesting for two reasons: Deviation from normal cell size occurs during non-physiological conditions such as during cell senescence and in tumors and coincides with altered cell function, strongly suggesting that having a specific cell size is critical for cell function. On the other hand, cells in multicellular organisms exist at sizes that span several orders of magnitude, but every cell type has a well-defined size. This raises the possibility that cell size may contribute to defining cell type specific cell function. In our lab we use a combination of genetic, live cell microscopy and molecular biology approaches to understand how cell size affects different aspects of cell physiology. 

Currently we are working on the following research questions:
1) What determines the maximal and minimal size at which cells can function?

2) How does increased size contribute to aging and senescence?

3) How do cells coordinate macromolecule synthesis with cell volume increase to maintain a constant intracellular density?

4) How do alterations in intracellular density affect cell function?


Academic education and professional experience: 

2020 – now     Assistant Professor for Cell Size and Homeostasis, ETH Zürich, Switzerland

2013 – 2020    Post-doctoral work with Prof. Angelika Amon, Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

2008 – 2012    PhD Thesis with Prof. Manuel Mendoza, Center of Genomic Regulation (CRG) & Universitat Pompeu Fabre (UPF), Barcelona, Spain

2003 – 2006    BSc with specification in Biochemistry, ETH Zurich, Switzerland


Awards and Funding: 

2020-2025      SNF Eccellenza Fellowship

2014-2017      SNF Mobility (Postdoc) Fellowship

2013-2014      EMBO Long Term Fellowship (Postdoc)

2008-2012      LaCaixa PhD fellowship

2008               Medal of ETH for excellent Master Thesis (2.5% of all Master Thesis)



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