Prof. Dr. Frank Schimmelfennig

Prof. Dr. Frank Schimmelfennig
Full Professor at the Department of Humanities, Social and Political Sciences
Additional information
Frank Schimmelfennig is Professor of European Politics and a member of the Center for Comparative and International Studies at ETH Zurich. He is also a member of the Swiss National Research Council, an Associate of the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies at the European University Institute, and Chairman of the Scientific Board of Institut für Europäische Politik Berlin. His research focuses on European integration.
In 2021, he won an ERC Advanced Grant for a project on «Bordering Europe: Boundary Formation in European Integration» (EUROBORD).
Frank Schimmelfennig has published in a variety of European politics, International Relations and Political Science journals. His most recent books are Ever Looser Union? Differentiated European Integration (with Thomas Winzen) and The Rise of International Parliaments (with Thomas Winzen, Tobias Lenz, Jofre Rocabert, Loriana Crasnic, Cristina Gherasimov, Jana Lipps and Densua Mumford), both published in 2020 by Oxford University Press, and Integration and Differentiation in the European Union: Theory and Policies (Palgrave 2022, with Dirk Leuffen and Berthold Rittberger).
Year | Distinction |
2021 | Journal of European Public Policy, Editors’ Special Prize for contribution to the journal |
2020 | Michael Endres Prize, Hertie School of Governance, Berlin |
2018 | International Geneva Award, Swiss Network of International Studies for The Rise of International Parliamentary Institutions: Purpose and Legitimation (Review of International Organizations 2019; co-authored with Jofre Rocabert, Loriana Crasnic and Thomas Winzen) |
2012 | Best Paper, American Political Science Association, European Politics and Society Section, APSA Convention 2011, for Bringing Codecision to Agriculture: a Hard Case of Parliamentarization , published in Journal of European Public Policy 19, 2012 with Christilla Roederer-Rynning. |
2011 | Golden Owl Teaching Award, ETH Zurich, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences |
2011 | International Geneva Award, Swiss Network of International Studies for EU Promotion of Democratic Governance in the Neighborhood (Democratization 18:4, 2011, 1026-1054; co-authored with Tina Freyburg, Sandra Lavenex, Tatiana Skripka, and Anne Wetzel) |
2005 | Best Book Award 2003/2004 of the European Union Studies Association for The EU, NATO, and European Integration: Rules and Rhetoric (Cambridge University Press 2003 |
Course Catalogue
Spring Semester 2025
Number | Unit |
853-0048-00L | International Politics: Theory and Methods (with Tutorat) |
853-0048-01L | International Politics: Theory and Methods |