Prof. Dr. David Gugerli

Prof. Dr.  David Gugerli

Prof. Dr. David Gugerli

Full Professor at the Department of Humanities, Social and Political Sciences

ETH Zürich

Institut für Geschichte

RZ F 11

Clausiusstrasse 59

8092 Zürich


Additional information

David Gugerli, born in 1961, has been Full Professor for the history of technology at the Institute for History at the ETH Zurich since June 1, 2001.

He studied history, the history of literature, and literary criticism at the University of Zurich. After receiving his doctorate in 1987, he was a guest researcher at the Maison des Sciences de l-Homme in Paris, visiting professor at the Colegio de México in Mexico City, visiting scholar at Stanford University in Palo Alto, visiting fellow at the International Research Center for Cultural Sciences in Vienna, and a fellow at the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin (1993/94). In 1995 he earned a venia legendi (Habilitation) at the University of Zurich. After various publications pertaining to social and cultural history, he published a study in 1996 on the discursive shaping of electrification in Switzerland. This study was awarded both the Rudolf Kellerman Prize for the History of Technology and the Berlin Brandenburg Academy of Sciences Prize in 1997.