Prof. Dr. Stephen J. Ferguson

Prof. Dr.  Stephen J. Ferguson

Prof. Dr. Stephen J. Ferguson

Full Professor at the Department of Health Sciences and Technology
Head of Institute for Biomechanics

ETH Zürich

Institut für Biomechanik

GLC H 15.2

Gloriastrasse 37/ 39

8092 Zürich


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Research area

The focus of Professor Ferguson's research is the study of the mechanical and biological mechanisms of musculoskeletal disorders and injuries and the use of innovative technologies for their treatment. The challenge presented by an ageing population is of primary importance. He and his group study new biomaterials and implant concepts and develop the technical means for their application in the clinic.

Stephen Ferguson has been Professor of Biomechanics at the Institute for Biomechanics, Department of Health Sciences and Technology, since 2011

He was born in Oakville, Canada in 1968.

He completed his studies as a mechanical engineer at the University of Toronto in 1991. Following a stint in industry, he completed his master studies at Queen's University in 1994, followed by a research internship at the AO Research Institute in Davos. From 1996 - 2000 he wrote his doctoral thesis at Queen's University. After his promotion, he spent two years as a postdoc at the University of Bern before assuming leadership of the Biomechanics Division there. In 2006 he received his Venia Docendi in "Musculoskeletal Biomechanics" at the University of Bern, where he was also co-director of the ARTORG Spine Research Center.


Year Distinction
2022 ESB Clinical Biomechanics Award (Menze et al.)
2021 ETH Golden Owl
2009 European Spine Journal GRAMMER prize
2005 CTI Medtech Award

Additional information

Professor Ferguson has five patent applications.

Course Catalogue