Prof. Dr. André R. Studart

Prof. Dr. André R. Studart
Full Professor at the Department of Materials
Deputy head of Dep. of Materials
Curriculum vitae
Born in Brasilia, Brazil, André R. Studart received his Bachelor degree in Materials Science and Engineering from the Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil. He carried out his PhD under the supervision of Prof. Victor C. Pandolfelli in the same university, investigating novel methods for processing of refractory castables and near-net-shape advanced ceramics. From 2002 until mid 2007 he worked and gave lectures at ETH Zurich as a member of Prof. Ludwig J. Gauckler’s group. During this first period in Zurich, he studied the mechanical properties of dental materials and ceramics processed through colloidal routes. In 2007/2008 he was researcher at Harvard University in the group of Prof. David A. Weitz in the area of inorganic materials obtained using microfluidic techniques.
Since February 2009 he heads the Complex Materials group in the Department of Materials at ETH Zurich.
He was awarded by Alcoa Co., Thermo Haake Co., Brookfield Co, Magnesita and the Brazilian Ceramic Society. He is co-author of an undergraduate textbook on ceramic processing, holds three patents and has published about 50 scientific papers in international peer-reviewed journals.
His main research interests are on bio-inspired complex materials with potential applications as medical implants, energy conversion systems and smart structures.