Adrian Perrig receives four Test-of-Time awards at single conference

Nine papers, which have withstood the test of time, were awarded at the 41st IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, held from 18-20 May 2020. Adrian Perrig (D-INFK) received awards for four of them - an unprecedented achievement.
Rolf Frischknecht wins Award in Life Cycle Assessment

Rolf Frischknecht, a lecturer at the Department of Environmental Systems Science (D-USYS), has been given the EDANA Award for Lifetime Achievement in Life Cycle Assessment by the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC).
ETH mathematician Joaquim Serra receives prestigious EMS Prize

The European Mathematical Society has awarded one of its prestigious EMS Prizes to Joaquim Serra, currently SNF Ambizione Fellow at the Department of Mathematics (D-MATH) of ETH Zurich. EMS Prizes recognise young researchers not older than 35 years for their excellent contributions in mathematics.