The appointment process

The President of ETH Zurich is responsible for the appointment procedure and is involved personally regarding all decisions; the Office for Faculty Affairs thereby supports him in all strategic and organisational matters.

Appointment procedure

The appointment procedure is divided into the following phases:

Direct appointment

In exceptional cases, e.g. for the recruitment of outstanding scientists, the legal principles enable the possibility of a direct appointment. In such a case, it is possible to depart from the standard appointment procedure by foregoing a public advertisement and the involvement of a selection committee. Instead, the department submits a proposal for direct appointment to the President. In the proposal, the department must explain its reasons for this extraordinary measure and add at least five letters of recommendation. What is more, the vast majority of the Professor’s Conference of the department must support the proposal.


ETH Zurich
Office for Faculty Affairs / Stab Professuren
Rämistrasse 101
8092 Zürich

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