Childcare facilities in the university area
Childcare centres close to the universities and the affiliated institutions that receive some form of support from the universities and are organised as a network are among the childcare facilities close to the university.
The Kinderbetreuung im Hochschulraum Zürich (childcare in the Zurich university area) Foundation (external page kihz) has been in existence since 2002 and is funded by ETH Zurich and the UZH. It offers around 210 full-day childcare places in seven childcare facilities, which are occupied by 300 children with varying attendance levels.
The KIKRI ETH Zentrum childcare facility is run by a parents’ association and offers 42 childcare places.
Run by the Students’ Crèche Cooperative, the external page Irchel crèche (German) and all-day kindergarten offers 50 childcare places.
external page Spielchischte (German) is run by the Association of Student Parents at the Two Universities of Zurich and offers 18 childcare places.
Die Eawag/Empa-run external page KiPa crèche (German) Eawag/Empa is situated in Dübendorf and offers 33 places.
The external page University Hospital childcare facility (German) has 170 places at the three sites Sonneggstrasse, Huttenstrasse und Dolderstrasse which are primarily reserved for University Hospital employees.