Can hydropower and fish co-exist?

Hydropower delivers renewable electricity, but comes with massive fish mortality – a global dilemma that can only be addressed by true compromises, says Luiz Silva, and outlines how to find them.


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  • Amo Fuhs26.01.2022 12:55

    Discussed is only fish mortality. Fish morbidity due to changes in routes with their different ecosystems is not discussed. Already in 1712 there was a change of a fluvial route near the Thunersee. Do we have reports about the changes in the fauna?

    • Luiz Silva27.01.2022 13:25

      This is a great point. Freshwater ecosystems have been managed and altered in Europe over centuries. Thus, there are impacts of various magnitudes on the aquatic biota. The blog post only touches on one aspect of this multifaceted problem which, in my opinion, is the worse end result of an impact: that is, the mortality of organisms. Nevertheless, the strategy laid out can help to minimize or avoid such negative impacts.