Focal point and teaching projects

Innovative pilot projects in teaching  

Focal point projects

Focal point projects address issues covered in the focal point themes, apply them in example scenarios, and assess their feasibility and value in the ETH context.

Focal point themes to choose from:

  1. Digitalisation of Course Units
  2. AI in Teaching and Learning
  3. Competency-based Teaching

The following applies to focal point projects:

  • Budget limit: kCHF 40
  • Decision communicated after ca 1 1/2 months
  • Maximum duration: 2 years  

Teaching projects PAKETH-Edition

With a PAKETH teaching project, you pilot innovative solutions within degree programs that are adapted in the context of PAKETH. Compared to focus projects, PAKETH teaching projects involve more parties, are more closely coordinated between the course units, and create greater transferability for other degree programs or departments.

PAKETH teaching projects:

  • are embedded in the developments of the overarching program adjustments.
  • are oriented towards the development of competencies, coordinated with other learning units and can thus contribute to a better design of the workload for students.
  • design the teaching and learning environment in such a way that students are actively involved in the learning process (active learning).
  • establish regular and structured feedback mechanisms that support learning progress, provide orientation and contribute to the continuous improvement of learning outcomes.
  • integrate performance assessments that are closely linked to the learning objectives and content of the course units and enable students to directly apply what they have learned.
  • preferably work with larger course units (>=3 ECTS), focus on compulsory subjects (e.g. internships, excursions, laboratory) and involve several course units.
  • include available expertise and contributions from the Teaching and Learning Office (UTL), such as advice on teaching and curriculum development, evaluation or project-based teaching.
  • proactively participate in the exchange of experiences and dissemination.

Project Inspirations:

Examples of PAKETH teaching projects:

  • Optimisation of the transfer of knowledge and acquisition of skills (e.g. for computational competencies) through coordination of content and methods between several courses that build on one another.
  • Implementation of a project-based course unit over one semester that develops key subject-specific and transferable skills for the degree program as a whole.
  • Supporting continuous learning with a distributed workload during the semester by offering extended practice sessions with automated feedback and integrated performance assessments at staggered intervals.
  • Implementation of a learning and reflection program that supports the holistic development of students' skills over the course of their studies.
  • Promoting activating teaching by redesigning suitable course units for block teaching with a distributed examination load.
  • ...

The following applies to PAKETH-Edition teaching project applications:

  • Budget limit: kCHF 90
  • Decision communicated after about 3 months
  • Maximum duration: 2 years
  • Submission period from 1.10.2024 until 1.10.2026


  • The submission deadlines are 1 March and 1 October at 17:00 Swiss local time each year. (If a submission deadline falls on a weekend, it will be postponed to the following Monday, 17:00 Swiss local time). Therefore, the submission deadline for the Spring Semester 2025 is Monday, 3 March, at 17:00.
  • Before submission please note the evaluation criteria of Focal point and Teaching projects.
  • Please see the Innovedum project rights.




Team Innovedum
Unit for Teaching and Learning (UTL)
Haldenbachstrasse 44, HAD
8006 Zürich
