Who is eligible to participate?

Any Bachelor, Master, or Doctoral student, from any department of ETH Zurich, can register. Exchange students are also eligible.

I am an incoming first-year, master, or exchange student, and have not yet started my studies at ETH. Can I still participate?

Yes, incoming first-year, master, or exchange students can participate as well. This will be a great opportunity to start your time at ETH in a unique and engaging way, and to make your first friends at ETH! However, please note that this is NOT an introduction week. It is an academic course that requires you to have no other commitments during the entire week.

Can I skip a day or two?

No. Participation is mandatory for all events during the day (8.30 – 18.30). Evening events are not mandatory, but we strongly encourage you to attend them as well. If you register for ETH Week, we ask you to keep the entire week free of any other responsibilities.

Does it cost anything to participate?

Participation is free of charge.

What is the registration process?

Registration for ETH Week 2023 is open. You are able to apply for a spot on this website. In case that there are more applications than available spots, a selection will be made based on the short motivation statement we ask you to write when applying for a spot.

If we are able to offer you a spot, you will be given the opportunity to submit a binding confirmation of your participation by filling out a second registration form. After submitting the binding confirmation, you can still withdraw your participation up to 30 days before the event starts without a cancellation fee. If you withdraw your application less than 30 days before the event starts, a 50 CHF cancellation fee applies. This fee only applies if you submitted a binding confirmation and cancelled less than 30 days before the event.

If you submitted a binding confirmation and do not attend the course, without informing us, a 100 CHF no show fee applies.  

I want to apply for a spot but am worried about the cancellation fee.

At the application stage, you do not need to worry about the cancellation fee. The cancellation fee only applies to students who submitted a binding confirmation and cancelled less than 30 days before the course starts. We nevertheless encourage you to only apply if there is a good chance that you will be able to take part.  

How many credits are awarded?

1 ECTS is awarded if you complete the programme. If the credit point will count towards your degree depends on your department. Please inquire with them. Either way, the credit point will be included on your final transcript.

What is the language of instruction?

The entire course is held in English. A solid command of English is therefore needed. Knowledge of German is not required.

I have no expertise in the topic. Can I still join?

Yes! You don’t need to have a background in the respective field. A wide variety of expertise in each team will contribute to a better problem understanding and more creative solutions. We will provide sufficient content-related inputs so that all participants will be able to contribute.

The whole point of the week is to immerse yourself in a new topic and gain novel perspectives, so do not worry if you are coming in green.  

Further questions?

Send us an E-Mail:  

Or DM us on external pageInstagram 

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