ETH Meets Davos during the World Economic Forum 2019
The magenta coloured molecule - part of the design above - was generated by a machine intelligence. Image: ETH Zurich

ETH Zurich Exhibition in Davos 2019

Welcome to the media kit for ETH Zurich research exhibited in the ETH Pavilion in Davos during the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2019. For an overview of the projects please see the RETHINKING DESIGN exhibition page

Floor is Yours

Functionally Integrated Funicular Floor System

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Functionally integrated funicular floor for NEST HiLo, 2019

4D Design

Self-propelled swimming robot and other polymer materials morph into the 4th dimension

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Motorless submarine

Drug Design

Inside Molecules - Students explore molecular structures with the HoloLens.

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Mixed Reality in the Classroom: Students studying Drug Design use Microsoft's HoloLens glasses to learn a fundamental principle of proteins.

Material Design

Intelligent, property changing materials on the cutting edge of science

A Modern Tree

Big Bang in a Multiferroic Crystal

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Discover Prof. Nicola A. Spaldin - Laureate 2017 - L'Oréal-UNESCO For Women In Science

Spectroplast - A Designer's Dream

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3D printing soft medical implants - Spectroplast research

Weakness Illuminated

Implant and Forget

Reborn from Ashes

Soft Chains Stronger than Steel

Sprinting Magnetic Memory

Digitally Fabricated House

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"Smart Slab" Half as heavy as a conventional concrete slab
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In situ Fabricator & Mesh Mould
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Smart Dynamic Casting
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Spatial Timber Assemblies


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Soft robotic hand demos

Game Design

Tastelab Restaurant