IT in research

Your services specifically for research at ETH.

IT in Research

A solid basic IT infrastructure is a prerequisite for cutting-edge research. In addition, specific IT methods, platforms and infrastructures can be enablers for research. The spectrum ranges from HPC computing power and services for data analysis and simulations, to the management of source code and research data, to the development of research-centric software and data analysis pipelines. To this end, IT Services has a team of engineers, scientists and technicians who work closely with the research groups to meet their research-related IT needs.

During the start-up phase, the IT Services offer newly appointed professors special support for a successful start at ETH Zurich. An overview of all standard services of the IT Services can be found sorted by categories in the IT Service Catalogue. Specific IT projects are discussed and agreed between the research groups and the IT Services on a case-by-case basis.