Communications consulting

Have a question about communications at ETH Zurich? Want to introduce your unit or communicate one of your topics to a wider public audience? Working together with communications experts in the departments, professorships and central administrative units, we can help you target your communications efficiently. Send your enquiry to one of our expert communications advisors.
What is important to us during consulting?
What do you want to achieve through your communications? This question lies at the centre of every consultation meeting. Corporate Communications’ specialists assess whether your communication goal is realistic and how it can be best achieved. Working alongside you, they help you identify and develop targeted messages, tailor content to the requirements of your audience and select the most suitable communication measures and channels. The consultancy services offered by Corporate Communications are free of charge.
Useful info
Suggest a topic for ETH media

About to publish an important paper? Working on a project of relevance to a wider public audience? Send us your suggestions of topics you would like us to cover. Our Editorial team will assess their suitability for the target audiences of ETH Zurich’s various communication channels.

Our guidelines and templates will make your everyday communications easier. These will add a professional touch to the presentation of your research results or your department to the public.
Crisis communication

Crisis situations generate immense external pressure and are exacerbated by rumours, speculation and accusations. This makes rapid, open and clear communication all the more crucial. We can offer support when a topic or result has crisis potential or a situation has already escalated.
Events and congresses
Scientific publishing

When publishing scientific works, you need to take the following conditions and regulations into consideration.

Are you responsible for communications in your unit? Share information with other communications staff at ETH Zurich and benefit from their experience.