Teaching Rooms for other Events

During the semester (calendar weeks 8-22 and 38-51) and examination sessions (calendar weeks 4-7 and 32-35), first priority for the use of teaching rooms is given to educational activities and examinations. It is therefore not possible to hold conferences during these periods.

During periods when teaching and examinations do not take place and during the Easter holidays (the week including Easter Monday), teaching rooms are, as a rule, available for congresses, conferences, lectures and one-off events. Room reservations for ETH Zurich in-house events are always given priority.

Most building and repair work has to be carried out during non-teaching periods. The buildings, sections of buildings, rooms etc. that are affected are excluded from booking. In exceptional cases, such work may result in room reservations being changed at short notice.

Use of teaching rooms for other events during the semester

External event organisers

External event organisers can only book rooms after 6 pm or on Saturdays. Such reservations can only be made after the date of publication of the Course Catalogue. During teaching hours, the rooms are only available for internal events.

One-off internal events

During teaching hours (Mon-Fri 8 am to 6 pm): All teaching rooms are reserved for teaching until the 3rd week of the semester. Requests for rooms for one-off events can only be processed once the booking block has been lifted. Until then, the availability of rooms cannot be guaranteed.

Outside teaching hours (Mon-Fri after 6 pm and Saturdays): Rooms for one-off events during the semester taking place outside the times reserved for teaching can be booked after the publication of the Course Catalogue.

Use of teaching rooms for other events during the examination session

Once the final examination schedule has been published, teaching rooms can be booked for one-off events via the Room and Course Scheduling Office.